oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)
2016-01-29 07:51:34bay area fans..
Just heard that Broncos and Peyton are going to have their practice in
Stanford next week until Superbowl Sunday.
Anyone interested? Get your football ready for signatures.
AH~~~ It could be Brady coming to Stanford. Now it's Peyton.
※ 引述《shane ()》之铭言:
: QB
: Manning绝对是退化了。
: 因为这很明显是个难以逆转趋势,
: 从去年week11~week12左右开始,
: 到今年的状况持续探底。
: Osweiler明年绝对会接班,
: 但他能打到哪个程度不晓得。
: 超级杯摆哪个QB感觉上是大同小异。