[NFL!] 美国在台协会高雄分处 邀请您观赏超级杯

楼主: Kany (Kany Li)   2015-01-21 14:39:33
2015年第49届美国超级杯Super Bowl将在2015年2月1日于亚利桑那州的Glendale举办。美国在台协会高雄分处邀请您一同观赏超级杯现场转播,今年将由新英格兰爱国者(Patriots)与西雅图海鹰(Seahawks)争霸。现场将供应爆米花,欢迎大家自行携带零食、饮料或餐点前来享用。
时间: 2/2 (二) 上午8:00-12:00 (台湾时间)
地点: 美国在台协会高雄分处(高雄市前镇区成功二路88号5楼)
报名电话: 07-335-5006 转6053
报名传真: 07-338-0551 或email: irck@mail.ait.org.tw
Super Bowl XLIX is an upcoming American football game between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots and National Football Conference (NFC) champion Seattle Seahawks to decide the National Football League(NFL) champion for the 2014 season. The game is scheduled to be played at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. AIT Kaohsiung would like to invite you to come to watch the live broadcast at our office. Popcorn will be provided. You are also welcome to bring
food and drink to share with other viewers.
Time: 8:00am-12:00pm, Monday, February 2
Location: AIT Kaohsiung Office
(5th Floor, No. 88, Chenggong 2nd Rd.,Kaohsiung)
RSVP required. All visitors will be subject to thorough security screening, including inspections of bags and packages.
Tel number: 07-335-5006 ext. 6053
Fax number:07-338-0551
Email: irck@mail.ait.org.tw
作者: namon (小阿凡)   2015-01-21 14:45:00
二月二号是周一 请告知他们更正?!至少中文文字出错了
作者: duke0529 (DuKe05529)   2015-01-21 22:12:00
楼主: Kany (Kany Li)   2015-01-22 00:08:00
美国时间 Feb 1st night. 脸书上公告会修改不用钱啊。但请先预约 RSVP。好通知警卫放行。如文述,欢迎携带简单食物同乐。

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