Re: [NFL!] 49ers Aldon Smith detained at LAX

楼主: nifanliu (hh)   2014-09-01 00:43:48
现在连 Ray McDonald 也来参一脚. 自己生日派对弄到被指控家暴
根据联盟新规定. 要是认定属实可能要罚禁赛六场. 目前联盟尚未正式公布处罚
49人这两三年防守基柱的Front 7. 开季可能会有三个不在阵中
49人今年休季期间已经有A. Smith, McDonald, Culliver, Kaepernick and Patton
※ 引述《oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)》之铭言:
: NFL suspends Aldon Smith 9 games for violating the league's personal conduct
: and substance abuse policies.
: The 49ers have a week 8 bye, so Smith won't be available until week 11.
: The team has already lost ILB Navorro Bowman (ACL/MCL) and NT Glenn Dorsey
: (torn biceps).
: ※ 引述《oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)》之铭言:
: : 49ers OLB Aldon Smith was detained at the Los Angeles Airport (LAX)
: : on Sunday after allegedly yelling "bomb" in the airport terminal.
: : 简单说
: : Aldon Smith 在洛杉矶机场被随机抽到要搜查 很不爽 直接跟机场安检呛声
: : "拎北有带炸弹要上飞机啦!!"
: : 然后就被安检扣留在机场了...
作者: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2014-09-01 02:50:00
球季快开始吧..不然 49ers 的防守球员就全不见了..

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