在 247sports 讨论区看到的文章 去年 NCAA 冠军 佛州州大推出了一个 #askjameis 活动 让大家有机会跟当家四分卫进行一些近距离对谈 结果事情一如大家想的......顺利 (?) http://media.247sports.com/Uploads/Assets/185/10/3010185.jpg http://media.247sports.com/Uploads/Assets/187/10/3010187.jpg 个人觉得最好笑的两则 1. #AskJameis Of all the coaches you have played for over the years, why did you steal those crab legs? 2. #AskJameis TAallahassee going 75 mph at 6AM. Train B leaves Gainesville going 60mph at 6AM. Why did you rape that girl? (无不敬 单纯问题方式觉得很好笑) 大家今天 #AskJameis 了吗?