[NFL!] NFL considers to abolish extra points

楼主: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2014-01-21 15:44:33
NFL 考虑全面废除加踢 extra point, 以后只要 TD 就是七分.
你可以选择用传统进攻方式拿第八分, 不过如果失败 TD 就变六分.
基本上没有太大差异, 只是把加踢分该成自动算进而已..
本季 1200 次加踢只有五球没踢进,
在 pro-football level 加踢只是浪费时间而已
NFL considering proposal to abolish extra points
Speaking Monday, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said the league could
eventually abolish the extra point.
"The extra point is almost automatic," Goodell said. "I believe we had five
missed extra points this year out of 1,200 some odd. So it's a very small
fraction of the play, and you want to add excitement with every play."
Goodell said the league is intrigued by a proposal that would automatically
grant seven points for every touchdown, but still allow teams to try for an
eighth point via a traditional offensive play. The catch is that if you fail
to convert, the touchdown then becomes worth only six points. Perhaps the
most perfunctory play in sports, extra points serve almost no purpose at the
professional level.
作者: MerinoSheep (美丽奴羊)   2014-01-21 16:15:00
禁止holder只许用drop kick不知道会不会有点看头...
作者: songyyy (银河怪人)   2014-01-21 16:16:00
作者: krajicek (回忆比真实精彩)   2014-01-21 16:31:00
作者: JessKB24 (以身为科迷为傲)   2014-01-21 16:37:00
有一个是Vikings的Blair Walsh踢丢的XDD踢丢的瞬间,镜头还带到AP一脸不敢相信的脸XDDDDDD
作者: supdude (TheMan)   2014-01-21 16:40:00
或者改成从20yard的地方踢, 30yard FG就不算automatic吧?
楼主: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2014-01-21 16:40:00
应该改成踢丢要倒扣六分.. 这样比较紧张
作者: oneface (savant)   2014-01-21 16:48:00
2011年海鹰的KICKER..看谁呢 就是说你Steven Hauschka全年4个踢丢的PAT就有2个是你..拜托你SB别放枪好吗...
作者: krajicek (回忆比真实精彩)   2014-01-21 16:49:00
作者: songyyy (银河怪人)   2014-01-21 17:24:00
作者: edLyvonne (多爸多妈)   2014-01-21 17:44:00
我倒觉得extra point还具有让 kicker 热身的功能,熟悉赛场气氛的功能。此制度宜修不宜废,否则到时候我们就会看到kicker老是在旁纳凉。
作者: Skabo (kaka)   2014-01-21 18:34:00
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3qFse6U3_o除了踢会没踢进 发球也会失误啊XD
作者: forgetta ( )   2014-01-21 18:38:00
从20码踢 那两分转换也要从20码... 还不如自动算一分
作者: JamesSoong (Amari Cooper!!)   2014-01-21 20:10:00
比赛就是有变量才好看 本来的extra point很好啊
作者: McRoberts (麦克罗伯斯)   2014-01-21 21:01:00
加踢时可以播重播TD的各角度 还有场边表情特写
作者: redplum (LIVESTRONG)   2014-01-21 21:32:00
作者: Danielhsieh (阿光)   2014-01-21 22:33:00
改成extra point block可以return好了~~~
作者: kohmiho (kohmiho)   2014-01-21 23:59:00
作者: forgetta ( )   2014-01-22 00:02:00
不能 防守方拿到球就结束了
作者: ausir   2014-01-22 00:03:00
其实可以加强extra point的难度,像rugby一样在哪里TD就在哪里踢
作者: forgetta ( )   2014-01-22 00:05:00
作者: ykshih (失一墩)   2014-01-22 01:13:00
作者: ronalud (想飞就自在的飞)   2014-01-22 01:58:00
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2014-01-22 03:43:00
我喜欢看最后一秒 TD 变成 20:20然后靠着 extra point 赢球.
作者: tlchen (台湾加油)   2014-01-22 05:48:00
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2014-01-22 06:58:00
John Carney, classic.
作者: redplum (LIVESTRONG)   2014-01-22 10:49:00
作者: Danielhsieh (阿光)   2014-01-22 11:20:00
在哪里TD就在哪踢好刺激XDD 99 yards TD就有去了XDDDD
作者: oneface (savant)   2014-01-22 13:06:00
作者: kukockuo (2010 南非)   2014-01-22 18:01:00
作者: oneface (savant)   2014-01-23 10:11:00
作者: redplum (LIVESTRONG)   2014-01-23 13:55:00
pick 6会变成pick 7吗?
楼主: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2014-01-24 04:45:00
谁 TD 谁来踢..那 punt return 太累了...跑得要死还要上来踢^ TD
作者: Skabo (kaka)   2014-01-24 12:07:00
谁TD谁踢 那攻两分就是谁传球囉 XD
作者: JamesSoong (Amari Cooper!!)   2014-01-24 18:25:00
所以结论是:天下本无事 庸人自扰之
作者: poorkenny (Winter Is Coming!)   2014-01-26 21:53:00
所以punt returner若是有机会TD或许会在goal line前自动减速或跪地
作者: vincex (VincexHuang)   2014-01-27 10:58:00
如果废了 假打门真抢两分的战术就看不到了

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