[闲聊] GameSpot年度最佳3DS游戏-BravelyDefault

楼主: HETARE (茶芜玼仁)   2014-12-15 15:04:03
Bravely Default
The 3DS has another solid year under its belt and it continues to lead the
charge as the best-selling handheld for a good reason: there is a wealth of
wonderful games in almost every genre. 2014 saw the release of numerous games
that deserve special recognition, including Nintendo's own Super Smash Bros.,
which is a fantastic portable recreation of a series that's traditionally
reserved for consoles. It manages to capture the frantic nature of
multiplayer combat with minimal sacrifices along the way, and it delivers a
competitive experience that's practically unparalleled within the 3DS's
library. Square Enix's Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call shone bright
as well, offering a bounty of enjoyable music from the entire back catalog of
the Final Fantasy series and wrapping it into a nostalgia-soaked rhythm game.
With dozens of classic characters to level up and customize thanks to a
collection of RPG systems, Curtain Call is a unique blend of elements from a
series with a spectacular history at its back, and whether or not you're a
fan of Final Fantasy, the number of musical masterpieces laying in wait lifts
Curtain Call above the realm of mere fan service.
Ultimately, our debate for the best 3DS game of 2014 came down to two
nominees: Shovel Knight and Bravely Default. Both offer excellent experiences
that tap into the past of their respective genres, but they also incorporate
fresh concepts that make them special games on their own terms. Shovel Knight
is a side-scrolling adventure with pseudo-8-bit charm and a super catchy
chiptune soundtrack, but it rises above its nostalgic trappings with a funny,
lighthearted script and a Dark Souls-like death and resurrection system
that's the perfect accompaniment to its above average difficulty. On the
other hand, Bravely Default stands out as one of the most inventive and
approachable Japanese RPGs to come along in a long time. You charge through a
familiar string of towns and dungeons, and it even taps into Final Fantasy's
proclivity for plots surrounding god-like crystals, but it revisits these
tropes with care and avoids becoming another "me too" RPG.
More importantly, Bravely Default's combat system and presentation are the
best arguments for it to take home the award for the best 3DS game of 2014.
The ability to sacrifice turns in the present to use in the future gives
Bravely Default a unique feel, and though you run the risk of being cut down
by your enemies, you may gain an advantage over creatures that are too strong
to take down via traditional methods. Bravely Default is an innovative game
that also manages to deliver classic elements in a new way, and while it has
pacing issues during the latter half, that fact doesn't detract from the
dozens of hours of greatness that come before. Weighing these facts against
Shovel Knight's positive qualities, we ultimately came to the conclusion that
Bravely Default is the best 3DS game to have come out in 2014. It's a
fantastic RPG and a wonderful game all around.
作者: NovaWolf (左手红中右手白板)   2014-12-15 17:11:00
PS. 那边这算在偷酸吗... 我觉得比较像在婊FF正传...
楼主: HETARE (茶芜玼仁)   2014-12-15 17:16:00
呃 我就是那个意思啊 偷酸SE本传做得不如外传像样
作者: mikeneko (三毛猫)   2014-12-15 18:13:00
作者: aaronhkg (阿金)   2014-12-15 18:20:00
作者: Bigcookie2 (ミン)   2014-12-15 18:33:00
真的这么好玩? 我该买一片来玩玩吗?之前玩过试玩版 感觉POPO 但是风格我挺喜欢的普普
作者: bestadi (ADi)   2014-12-15 19:34:00
整体就良作 但对国外来看 在JRPG中算是难能可贵的水准吧?
作者: qu3899 (角勾)   2014-12-15 22:20:00
最近刚入手 配乐很棒 慢慢品味中
作者: jumpjumpegg (凉宫春日大好)   2014-12-15 22:24:00
作者: mindsteam (24fps狸猫任务)   2014-12-15 22:29:00
作者: Kamikiri (☒☒)   2014-12-16 00:34:00
作者: twdvdr (风中的一粒沙)   2014-12-16 05:07:00
所以锁区大家都很干 Wii 之前也是一些 rpg 没出美版

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