kika (Truely Madly Deeply)
2006-07-10 08:48:14※ 引述《toppest (勇敢的PUNCH呀!)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《kika (Truely Madly Deeply)》之铭言:
: : Here in North Carolina is very hot as well.
: : I just went to Great Smoky mountain,
: : But it was only like 10 F cooler during the day.
: : Even though, my tolearnce to heat is still reduced after 4 days trip.
: 一山还有一山高
: 一国还有一国热
: 你们一定要让在印度的人出来跟你们比一比吗?:p
: 哈哈
How hot is it India actually?