Re: 6/22“新科技与传播”对谈讲座

楼主: StacyChang   2007-06-26 22:29:22
暨演讲之后 陈雪华老师来函表示正在找正职的研究助理
Research Assistant ( 1 post: 2-year contract)
The Wee Kim Wee School of Communication, Nanyang Technological University
invites suitable applicants to apply for the post of Research Assistant for
the research project on “The effects of digital gaming on children and
adolescents in Singapore”. This is a two-year project involving
collaboration with the Psychological Studies Academic Group, National
Institute of Education, and the Department of Social Work, NUS, jointly
funded by the Ministry of Education and the Media Development Authority.
Responsibilities include:
o Conducting literature searches and summarizing results,
o Coordinate interviews with local school students and teachers
o Preparation of interview questions, and questionnaires
o Collection of data and data entry,
o Analysis of data
o Writing of research reports.
o Coordinate works among researchers
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
o Degree with good honours in psychology, sociology,
communication, business, education from a reputable university. Preference
will be given to applicants who intend to pursue a Masters or PhD degree
(scholarship available).
o Knowledge of research methodology
o Sound knowledge of statistics and SPSS
o Some experience in digital gaming
o Good communication and interpersonal skills
o Ability to work independently and as a team member
Salary will commensurate with the applicant’s qualification and experience.
Application Instructions
1.Interested applicants should complete the Administrative & Non-Faculty
Personal Particulars Form available at
A complete application package should include the above Personal Particulars Form, Curriculum Vitae
(including research projects done, publications if any), and all relevant
educational certificates including university transcript and degree scroll.
Submit application material to or by post to Dr Vivian
Chen, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication, Nanyang Technological University,
31 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637718.
All application material must arrive on or before Monday, July 9, 2007.
※ 引述《tinglin (一步一步达成...)》之铭言:
: 传院于6/22(五)邀请新加坡南洋理工大学两位研究新科技与传播
: 现象的老师来院演讲,将介绍新加坡最新的互动与数位媒体研究现况,
: 并分享其研究成果。
: 演讲讯息如下,欢迎报名参加。
: 讲者:杜本麟(新加坡南洋理工大学系统与工程管理系助理教授)
: 陈雪华(新加坡南洋理工大学传播研究系助理教授)
: 时间:6/22(五)14:00~16:00
: 地点:大勇楼401会议室
: 报名方式:请于6/21(四)前以电话29387594或mail至报名
: 讲者简介:
: 杜本麟(Henry Been- Lirn Duh)教授的研究领域为人机互动研究、3D接口设计、
: 接口可用性工程和资讯导览行为研究。目前研究着重于人在虚拟环境与扩增实境中生理
: 、心理、设计及空间认知的影响。个人网页:。
: 陈雪华(Vivian Chen)教授的研究领域为文化与传播间的相互影响、新科技对
: 传播行为的影响、虚拟游戏文化。

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