Joey818 (时代趋向和平 也不再振奋)
2017-11-05 23:45:09Shaquille O'Neal & Penny Hardaway Duo's NBA Debut: Magic @ Heat (11.05.1993)
This is the first time Penny Hardaway & Shaquille O'Neal duo in NBA regular
season game. Shaq does moves that people never saw from him at that time; a
baby hook, a short jumper and a bank shot. ''I think I surprised some
people,'' said O'Neal, who had 12 rebounds in 31 minutes. ''I think after
this game, people either think that I actually did work out this summer or
that I'm an incredible talent. ''Well, I had fun this summer, but I worked
out, too. Had I been (holding back)? Yeah, maybe just a little.''
大欧 42pts 12rebs
一分钱 12pts 8ast