[花边] SGA打三节,仍是得分王

楼主: rr8907010 (rr8907010)   2025-03-14 21:53:32
Shai Gilgeous-Alexander would lead the NBA in scoring even if he played just
3 quarters every game Let that sink in. SGA is leading the league in total
points this season, with 2,063. If we subtract the points he's scored in the
4th quarter and OT (322), he would STILL be the points leader, per ESPN.
Check out the total points leaderboard (as of March 11)
ClutchPoints :SGA(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander) 即使每场比赛只打三节,仍然会是本季
NBA 得分王。
SGA 本赛季的总得分领先全联盟,累积 2,063 分。
如果扣除他在第四节和延长赛得到的 322 分,他依然会是联盟的得分王-根据 ESPN 的数
Cade Cunningham得不少分
作者: JokerAwesome (神人小丑)   2025-03-14 22:38:00
https://i.imgur.com/nsK7G99.jpeg最新MVP之争Joker又回到第一了 484有人又要哭哭了XD爆米花我准备好了ww

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