Dave Portnoy blasts LeBron James for Bronny's excessive protection in confrontat
ion: "This is one of the most ridiculous controversies"
Dave Portnoy 痛批 LeBron James 在冲突中对 Bronny 过度保护:“这是最荒谬的争议之?
Barstool founder calls out LeBron for shielding his son from criticism
Barstool 创办人抨击 LeBron 遮掩儿子免受批评
David Portnoy是 Barstool Sports的创办人
LeBron James' courtside confrontation with ESPN's Stephen A. Smith has sparked o
utrage, with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy weighing in on the controversy
LeBron James 在场边与 ESPN 评论员 Stephen A. Smith 的对峙引发热议,Barstool Spor
ts 创办人 Dave Portnoy 也加入讨论,对这场争议发表犀利评论。
Portnoy didn't hold back in his scathing critique, blasting LeBron for his handl
ing of Bronny's entry into the NBA and questioning the double standard in media
Portnoy 毫不留情地批评 LeBron 处理 Bronny 进入 NBA 的方式,并质疑媒体对此的双重?
The exchange between LeBron and Smith, which took place before the Lakers' win o
ver the Knicks, centered around Smith's past comments regarding Bronny's NBA leg
itimacy. James reportedly confronted Smith over criticism of his son, leading to
a heated discussion that became one of the biggest talking points in sports med
这场争执发生在湖人击败尼克队之前,焦点围绕在 Smith 过去对 Bronny 是否具备 NBA 资
格的评论。据报导,LeBron 当面对质 Smith,对他批评自己儿子的言论表达不满,这场激?
Portnoy Calls Out LeBron's Hypocrisy
Portnoy 指控 LeBron 的虚伪
In a fiery rant posted to social media, Portnoy slammed LeBron's reaction, calli
ng it "one of the most ridiculous controversies in the history of civilization."
He argued that Bronny, as a professional player in the NBA, should not be immun
e from criticism.
在社群媒体上的激烈发言中,Portnoy 痛斥 LeBron 的反应,称这是“人类文明史上最荒谬
的争议之一”。他强调,既然 Bronny 是 NBA 职业球员,就不应该被免除批评。
"LeBron doesn't want Stephen A., the media, or whoever talking about Bronny, who
is a professional basketball player on one of the most storied franchises in th
e league," Portnoy said. "What are we talking about here?"
“LeBron 不希望 Stephen A.、媒体,或任何人评论 Bronny——但他是 NBA 其中一支历史
最悠久球队的职业球员,”Portnoy 说道。“这到底是在搞什么?”
Portnoy also brought up a 2018 interview in which LeBron admitted regretting nam
ing his son after himself due to the pressure it would bring. He then blasted Ja
mes for allegedly forcing the Lakers to draft Bronny despite his struggles at US
Portnoy 也提到 LeBron 在 2018 年的一次访谈中承认,自己后悔把儿子取名为 Bronny,因
为这会带来额外压力。然而,如今他却强迫湖人队选 Bronny,即使他在 USC 表现不佳。
"Then he forces the Lakers to draft this kid in the NBA before he's ready," Port
noy continued. "He didn't even start at USC! Now he's in a big boy league playin
g against big boy players, and he stinks. And LeBron doesn't want the media to t
alk about it?"
“然后他强迫湖人队在 NBA 选这个孩子,尽管他还没准备好,”Portnoy 接着说道。“他在
USC 甚至连先发都没当过!现在他进入一个真正的成年联盟,对上真正的职业球员,而他表
现糟糕。结果 LeBron 不希望媒体讨论这件事?”
Portnoy Criticizes Stephen A. Smith's Soft Stance
Portnoy 批评 Stephen A. Smith 态度软弱
While Smith defended his past remarks by claiming he was criticizing LeBron's de
cision to push Bronny into the league, not the player himself, Portnoy wasn't bu
ying it. He called out Smith for softening his stance and treating LeBron with "
kid gloves" on First Take.
尽管 Smith 为自己过去的言论辩解,声称自己批评的是 LeBron 把 Bronny 推进 NBA 的决
定,而不是 Bronny 本人,Portnoy 并不买帐。他抨击 Smith 在《First Take》上的态度过
于温和,对 LeBron 网开一面。
"Stephen A. with kid gloves today," Portnoy said. "If that's anyone else, he's r
ipping them apart."
“Stephen A. 今天戴上了小孩手套,”Portnoy 说道。“换作其他人,他早就把他们骂爆了
Portnoy ended his rant with a brutal comparison, arguing that Jayson Tatum's 7-y
ear-old son, Deuce, is more valuable to the Celtics than Bronny is to the Lakers
Portnoy 最后更做出残酷的比较,声称 Jayson Tatum 7 岁的儿子 Deuce,对塞尔提克的价
值甚至比 Bronny 对湖人的贡献还大。
"If you don't want the media to talk about how your son is overmatched and looks
like a Make-A-Wish, then don't force him onto the team," Portnoy said. "Let him
go to the G-League. Let him go to college. Let him earn it."
那就不要强迫他进入球队”Portnoy 说道。“让他去 G-League,让他去大学,让他自己证明
The controversy continues to fuel debate about LeBron's influence in the NBA and
whether Bronny was drafted based on merit or favoritism.
这场争议持续引发外界讨论,关于 LeBron 在 NBA 的影响力,以及 Bronny 是因为实力还是
Regardless, one thing is clear-this story isn't going away anytime soon.