[情报] Torrey Craig去青赛

楼主: SeanLi1013 (TrunksHOPE)   2025-02-07 09:25:07
Free agent forward Torrey Craig has agreed to a deal with the Boston Celtics,
Mark Bartelstein of @PrioritySports told ESPN. Craig averaged 6.9 points and 2
.8 rebounds in nine games for the Bulls this season.
自由球员前锋Torrey Craig已与波士顿塞尔提克队达成协议,Craig本赛季为公牛队出战
九场比赛,场均贡献 6.9 分和 2.8 个篮板。
作者: OneManParade (一个人游行)   2025-02-07 09:27:00
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