[情报] 鹈鹕Bruce Brown目前没在讨论买断

楼主: EZ78 (EZ78)   2025-02-07 05:49:14
While many top teams are eyeing him, the Pelicans and Bruce Brown are not curren
tly talking about a buyout, league sources told @ClutchPoints.
We will see if this changes and if Brown approaches the organization for a buyou
虽然很多队在瞄准他 但目前鹈鹕与Bruce Brown没在讨论买断
我们要持续关注看情况会不会改变 以及Brown会不会主动去希望球队买断他
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作者: lovefamily23 (依恋)   2025-02-07 06:37:00
买断是指到期约 最后一年 球队付完他薪水 把他裁掉的意思吗?谢e板

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