[情报] 勇士老板Lacob邀请KD经纪人一起观看比赛

楼主: LABOYS (洛城浪子)   2025-02-04 20:08:44
Golden State owner Joe Lacob sits in the first row across from the Warriors’
bench and often hosts guests in the two seats next to him. Against the Suns,
he had Rich Kleiman — Durant’s long-time agent and business partner —
planted directly to his left. The two were seen conversing during the game and
were spotted together at halftime and postgame in the Bridge Club, an
exclusive lounge in the underbelly of the arena between the home and visiting
locker rooms.
金州勇士队老板 Joe Lacob ,
他的左手边坐着 Kevin Durant 的长期经纪人兼商业伙伴 Rich Kleiman。
比赛期间,两人被目击进行了交谈,并在中场休息和赛后一起出现在“Bridge Club”,
Kleiman and the Warriors’ decision-makers have a long history, dating back to
Durant’s famous free agency process in the Hamptons back in the summer of
2016. Former general manager Bob Myers was a central figure in locking that
deal down. Myers happened to be announcing Friday night’s Warriors-Suns game
on ESPN and was spotted entering the Bridge Club postgame.
Kleiman 与勇士队决策层有着悠久的交情,
这可以追溯到 KD 2016年夏天在汉普顿自由球员的谈判过程。
前总经理 Bob Myers 在那笔交易中扮演了关键角色。
而 Myers 恰好是周五晚间勇士对太阳比赛的ESPN评论员,
他赛后也被目击在“Bridge Club”现身。
The Warriors, league sources said, have inquired about Durant’s availability,
as Jake Fischer reported on Monday morning. But it’s unclear how open Durant
would be to a Warriors reunion and whether the Suns, if backed into a corner,
would even be willing to pull the trigger on a Durant move during this
transaction cycle.
正如 Jake Fischer 周一早上的报导,勇士队确实曾询问过交易KD的可能性。
不过,目前尚不清楚 KD 是否会对重返勇士有兴趣,
以及如果太阳队陷入僵局,他们是否愿意在本次交易期间选择交易 KD。
想不到还有要回头找 KD 的这一天对不对
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绿师傅:只能留一个 要是有两个就在球场上打到剩一个
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太阳连附加赛都快没了还冲冠 笑死人
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