Basketball legend and 3-time NBA champion Dwyane Wade spoke Thursday about a c
ancer diagnosis that ultimately cost him part of his kidney.
He learned of the diagnosis a little over a year ago.
Wade, whose father had prostate cancer, made the startling announcement on The
WY Network podcast.
After experiencing discomfort, Wade told his doctor exactly what he was feelin
g. His ailments included slow and weak urination. A full body scan revealed th
ere was something on his right kidney.
篮球传奇球星暨三届NBA冠军得主Dwyane Wade于周四谈及自己罹患癌症的消息,这场病最
Wade的父亲曾患有前列腺癌,而他在《The WY Network》Podcast节目中做出了这一震惊
Surgery ultimately revealed the growth on his kidney to be cancerous.
“Because I did the full-body scan, they were able to see my entire body, my e
ntire inside, and they were able to see something that was on my kidney — on
my right kidney,” Wade said.
The surgery left him with just 40% of his kidney. Wade went on to describe how
vulnerable he felt after the operation, stating it was the first time he felt
weak when it came to being around his family.
“My own journey to have that surgery, I think it was the first time my family
, my dad, my kids, they saw me weak,” Wade said on his podcast. “That moment
was probably the weakest one I’ve ever felt in my life.”
Dwyane Wade joined the Miami Heat in 2003. He won his first NBA championship i
n 2006, then two more in 2012 and 2013. He’s currently the Heat franchise lea
der in points, assists, steals, and games played.
这次手术让他的肾脏仅剩下 40%。Wade接着谈到手术后自己感到的脆弱,并表示这是他第
Dwyane Wade于 2003 年加入迈阿密热火队。他在 2006 年赢得了首座 NBA 总冠军,随后
又在 2012 年和 2013 年夺得两座总冠军。目前,他仍保持着热火队史得分、助攻、抄截