Powell has been a consistent scorer throughout his NBA career, but has largely
flown under the radar because he's played on teams with bigger names and larg
er contracts. But folks mistook his accepting his role for an inability to per
form beyond expectations, and this season has shown just how much of a mistake
that is.
Why Clippers' Norman Powell should be an NBA All-Star this season
Norman Powell made waves throughout the NBA on media day, but not in the way t
hat the Clippers' new slogan suggests. In his first press conference of the se
ason, Powell offered his view and mindset after the Clippers allowed George to
walk in free agency.
“I saw it as addition by subtraction,” Norman Powell said of the newfound op
portunity. “I think what I’ve said in this media day every single year since
being here is how I want to be a starting two guard. And the opportunity is i
n front of me, I’ve prepared myself. I’ve always seen myself as a starter in
this league, I think I’ve put the work in, I feel like the numbers show for
itself when I am starting and what the output is.
“I’m excited to take on that role, the pressures that come with it, the good
, bad, and ugly. I feel like mentally I’m ready for it. I’ve always been rea
dy for it. And physically, I’ve put the work in. And it’s not a question of
that, it’s just being able to fully show the work that I’ve put in. So I’m
excited for the full opportunity and everything that comes with it.”
为什么快艇队的Norman Powell应该成为本赛季的NBA全明星
Norman Powell在NBA媒体日掀起了一些波澜,但并不是以快艇队新口号所暗示的方式。在
本赛季的首次新闻发布会上,鲍威尔分享了他在快艇队让Paul George在自由市场离队后
“My individual goals, being an All-Star. I see myself as that caliber player.
That's my mindset. But like I said throughout the course of the year, individ
ual goals are great to achieve, but I never place that above the team's main g
oal, and that's to win a championship.
“I'd sacrifice everything for that championship. That's what I really want. B
ut individually, I want to be an All-Star. I see myself as that. I'm not going
to change that mentality or approach.”
Powell might be the best example of a guy who seized his opportunity and ran a
way with it. That's why he's a candidate for an All-Star spot this season, and
the more you look into his impact, the better his case for the February exhib
ition gets.
On the season, Norman Powell is having a career-year, averaging 23.7 points, 3
.4 rebounds, 2.3 assists, 1.4 steals, and 3.5 made threes per game for the Cli
ppers while shooting 49 percent from the field, 43.3 percent from three, and 8
3.4 percent from the free throw line.
The points, assists, steals, threes, and three-point percentage are all career
-highs, while the field goal percentage and rebound per game marks are the sec
ond highest of his NBA career.
在本赛季,Norman Powell正处于职业生涯的巅峰表现,他场均为快艇队贡献23.7分、3.4
At this stage, Powell believes he's done more than enough to prove he's an NBA
All-Star this season.
“I think I've been playing at an All-Star level all season,” Norman Powell t
old ClutchPoints in an exclusive interview leading up to All-Star announcement
s. “Honestly, I don't like talking about myself, but I mean, numbers don't li
e on where I'm at, what I'm averaging, what I'm doing across the board, and th
en the efficiency that I'm playing with.
“I see myself as an All-Star, I want to be an All-Star, and I think I am.”
Why does being named an NBA All-Star matter for Powell? A memory from his Toro
nto Raptors days, where he watched two former teammates be named to the All-St
ar team, has stuck with him nearly a decade later.
“我认为我整个赛季的表现都达到了全明星的水准,”Norman Powell在全明星名单公布
“I think it's just another level. It's another level that I want to get to, i
t's another level I've always seen myself at. Just another level that I see my
self at. I know that a lot comes with the territory, but I've always wanted it
. I want to know what it feels like. I want to know, be in that moment when yo
ur name's getting called, I watched DeMar [DeRozan], Kyle [Lowry] get their na
mes called at home and go to the middle of the court and accept their All-Star
jersey. I've always wanted that. I've always looked at that and said, ‘I can
be that. I can get to that moment.' It's something that I've been chasing and
seen myself at, so hopefully it happens.”
Powell's scoring appears to have a direct correlation with the outcome of Clip
pers games this season. The Clippers are 21-8 when Powell scores at least 18 p
oints in a game this season — a .724 winning percentage — and are 0-7 when h
e scores 17 or fewer points in a game.
处那一刻是什么感觉。我曾看着DeMar DeRozan和Kyle Lowry的名字在主场被叫到,然后
“I feel like I always look at my game and see areas of improvement,” Powell
explained to ClutchPoints. “I think that's why I continue to improve. I reall
y think it was opportunity for me. I mean, I think if people look back at befo
re I got here, and what I was doing with Portland before I got traded here, an
d my time in Toronto, I think this is the level that I always could play at an
d be at. I think there's always more I can do to win games and just play bette
r. I think I'm never complete, and I'm always working to improve, and I always
look at my weaknesses.
“I don't think it was like I had to do more to show that I could do that. I j
ust take advantage of my opportunity, take advantage of the role, and do what
the team is asking me to do, and then show in spurts where I do get the opport
unity for a larger role that I can handle the pressure, I can handle the chall
enges that go with it, and I can produce.”
Powell feels the respect he's getting from defenses nowadays is something that
's always been there. It's the outside that hasn't necessarily been paying att
“I feel like I always had the respect,” Powell said. “I think it's the outs
ide where I didn't have the respect, but within the floor, in the game, the wa
y I'm being played, opponents and things like that, they've always respected m
e. They've always shown me love and appreciated it.
“I've had star players tell me they want me on their team. I feel like the gu
ys know how much I work. I compete against them. I don't back down from a chal
lenge. I don't see them in awe. I go at them, and they respect that. They resp
ected that from the jump when I was a young rookie in the league, going at the
m. I think it's just more the media that puts you in a box.”