[外絮] Bobby Marks:天空中的摄影机不会说谎-Jimmy Butler

楼主: EZ78 (EZ78)   2025-01-23 08:15:33
The camera in the sky does not lie re: Jimmy Butler
From @ESPNStatsInfo and @SecondSpectrum
- attempted fewer than 10 FGA in 4 of the last 5 games
- 5 game stretch with no more than 57 points, 42 FGA and 14 FTA. The last
time that occurred was in 2013.
vs. Portland
Moved at a fast speed (more than 14 feet/second) 5.0 percent of the time, his
2nd-lowest percentage in a game in which he played at least 20 minutes this
-Took a shot on 14 percent of his touches, 3rd-lowest percentage in a game
this season (min. 50 touches)
-Passed the ball on 76 percent of his touches, tied for his 2nd-highest
percentage in a game this season (min. 50 touches)
天空中的摄影机不会说谎:Jimmy Butler
根据ESPN与Second Spectrum的数据
他整场只有5%的时间以最快速度移动(>14ft/秒) 这是他本季上场至少20分钟的比赛中第二
-只有14%的触球会出手 这是他本季第3低的(触球50次以上)
-76%的触球都会传掉 这是追平他本季第二高(一样是触球50次以上)
And here is more from @SecondSpectrum
Since Jan. 1
- Attempted a shot on 16 percent of his touches since Jan. 1 (down from 19
percent prior to Jan. 1)
- Passed the ball on 76 percent of his touches since Jan. 1 (up from 70
percent prior to Jan. 1)
-Touch in the paint 26 percent of time since Jan. 1 (down from 37 percent
prior to Jan. 1)
这里是来自Second Spectrum更多的数据
作者: NankanAvenge (amuse)   2025-01-23 08:33:00
就消极打球啊! 至少这季不交易大概打算这样打完了
作者: tony09100920 (祐子)   2025-01-23 08:34:00
嗯是吼,现在核心是英雄,假硬汉只能是老三,那他这配顶薪吗?不给就哀哀哀现在只有两个状况 1.老三假硬汉这出手正常,不配顶薪 2.还是老大,但在消极打球,也是一样不配顶薪
作者: NankanAvenge (amuse)   2025-01-23 08:46:00
老了换打法 刚好这时候换?也是啦 就跟逼球队去交易会去做手术报销一样 又老又伤本来就要去做手术 合情合理 就只是挑在很尴尬的时候而已
作者: dennis331533 (轻松跑跑)   2025-01-23 09:38:00
作者: offinicalart (阿龙左高利贷)   2025-01-23 11:08:00

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