40 great moments from LeBron James on his 40th birthday
LeBron James turns 40 today. That’s hard to comprehend. Even harder? Trying to
place his incredible career in perspective.
First: It’s still not over, here in Year 22.
Second: Where do you start?
今天是 LeBron James 的 40 岁生日。这一点已经令人难以置信,更难的是如何评价他那惊
首先:即便已经是第 22 个赛季,他的职业生涯还未结束。
There are championships, MVPs and NBA Finals MVPs (four each), scoring and assis
ts milestones and streaks with the Cleveland Cavaliers (two tours), Miami Heat a
nd Los Angeles Lakers. It might take a minute.
冠军、MVP 和 NBA 总决赛 MVP(各四次),得分与助攻的里程碑,还有在 Cleveland Cava
liers(两次效力)、Miami Heat 和 Los Angeles Lakers 的种种纪录与表现,光是整理这
Maybe it’s better to just list 40 moments that capture the essence of a player
who can make a strong case for being the best ever in his sport and one of the g
reatest athletes regardless of sport.
或许更好的方式是列出 40 个时刻,来捕捉这位球员的精华。他强而有力地被认为是这项运
So here’s the 40 that reflects what LeBron has done — so far — as he celebrat
es another birthday in the NBA.
以下就是这 40 个瞬间,展现了 LeBron 至今的成就,随着他在 NBA 中迎来的又一个生日
40. The Debut: The schedule-makers played a trick in selecting Sacramento and We
st Coast Time for a massively hyped event. That was LeBron’s NBA birthplace —
25 points and nine assists in his rookie hello in 2003.
初登板:赛程安排者巧妙地选择了 Sacramento 和西海岸时间来举办这场备受期待的比赛,
这是 LeBron 的 NBA 起点——2003 年,他在新秀赛首秀中拿下 25 分和 9 次助攻。
39. Father, Son: LeBron became the first NBA player to appear in a game with his
son when he and Bronny suited up two months ago against the Timberwolves.
父子同场:LeBron 成为 NBA 首位与儿子同场比赛的球员。两个月前,他和 Bronny 一同在
对阵 Timberwolves 的比赛中登场。
38. Mr. Cav: In the first of many record-toppers, he became the Cavs’ all-time
scorer in 2008, needing 100 fewer games to reach the figure held by the player h
e erased, Brad Daugherty.
Mr. Cav:在众多打破纪录的时刻中,LeBron 在 2008 年成为 Cavaliers 的历史得分王,
比他超越的前纪录保持者 Brad Daugherty 少用了 100 场比赛。
37. Shootout: The Cavs and Celtics had a mini-rivalry and in a Game 7 duel with
Paul Pierce, LeBron scored 45 points to Pierce’s 41 in a 2008 Eastern Conferenc
e Semifinals loss.
对决:Cavaliers 与 Celtics 的对抗在 2008 年东区半决赛第七场达到高潮,LeBron 拿下
45 分,Paul Pierce 则得到 41 分,最终 LeBron 所属的 Cavs 遗憾落败。
36. First Fiddy: At age 20, LeBron scored 56 points against the Raptors, becomin
g the youngest to do so, years before earning the nickname “LeBronto.”
首次 50+:20 岁时,LeBron 对阵 Raptors 拿下 56 分,成为 NBA 最年轻的 50 分球员,
35. Marksmanship: In a stretch marked by efficiency, LeBron was good for 30 poin
ts and 60% shooting throughout much of Miami’s 27-game win streak in 2013.
精准射手:2013 年,LeBron 展现了效率的巅峰,在 Miami Heat 的 27 场连胜期间,多场
比赛他都拿下 30 分并保持 60% 的命中率。
34. Team Leader: It’s rare when a single player shows this much one-man dominan
ce, yet it became a regular feat for LeBron, who led the Cavs in minutes, points
, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks in 2008-09.
球队领先者:单一球员展现全面主宰力实属罕见,但 LeBron 在 2008-09 赛季成为 Cavali
ers 的出场时间、得分、篮板、助攻、抄截和火锅的领先者,这一壮举成为了他的常态。
33. Triple Threat: With 28 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists against the Knicks
in 2023, LeBron became the first player to get a triple-double in his 20th seas
三重威胁:2023 年,LeBron 在对阵 Knicks 的比赛中拿下 28 分、10 篮板和 11 助攻,
成为 NBA 首位在第 20 个赛季完成大三元的球员。
32. Just One: In 2008 LeBron wrapped up his first, and only, NBA scoring title,
averaging exactly 30 points per game, surprising for a player who owns almost al
l of the scoring longevity records.
唯一一次:2008 年,LeBron 以场均 30 分的成绩赢得了他唯一一次的 NBA 得分王头衔,
31. Loving LA: He scored 56 points, his most as a Laker, in a victory over the W
arriors in March 2022. Only Michael Jordan, Jamal Crawford and Kobe Bryant score
d 50 beyond age 37.
热爱洛杉矶:2022 年 3 月,他对阵 Warriors 时拿下 56 分,这是他作为 Lakers 球员的
单场最高分。历史上只有 Michael Jordan、Jamal Crawford 和 Kobe Bryant 在 37 岁后
仍能单场拿下 50 分以上。
30. 30-for-30: LeBron became the first player to score at least 40 points agains
t all 30 NBA franchises. The Clippers were the last to accept this honor, victim
ized by 46 in 2023.
30 支球队达阵:LeBron 成为首位对所有 30 支 NBA 球队都至少砍下 40 分的球员。Clipp
ers 是最后接受这一“荣誉”的球队,2023 年他对他们砍下 46 分。
29. Miami Mash-up: It’s almost accepted when players perform better against the
ir former teams, and LeBron did so against the Heat with 51 points as a Laker in
还击 Miami:当球员对前东家表现出色时,往往被认为理所当然。2018 年,LeBron 作为 L
akers 球员对 Heat 拿下 51 分,便是一例。
28. Almost 50 Triple: When the buzzer sounded in New York, LeBron had a 52-point
triple-double in 2009. But upon further review … the league erased his last re
bound a day later.
差一点大三元的50 分:2009 年在 New York 的比赛终场哨响时,LeBron 拿下了 52 分三
27. Another 50, Timely: LeBron’s 51 points in January 2006 against Utah was uni
que in its own way. It was the second night of a back-to-back, it came the night
before Kobe Bryant’s 81-point game, and it pushed LeBron beyond 5,000 career p
oints, the youngest to do so.
又一次关键的 50 分:2006 年 1 月,LeBron 在背靠背的第二场比赛中对 Utah 拿下 51
分。这场比赛不仅发生在 Kobe Bryant 拿下 81 分的前一晚,还让 LeBron 成为最年轻的
5,000 分达成者。
26. Gee Wiz, Another 50: LeBron, at 37, became the oldest player to drop multipl
e 50-point games in a single season when he had exactly that against the Wizards
in 2022.
老将的多次 50 分:2022 年,37 岁的 LeBron 成为 NBA 史上单季多次砍下 50 分的最年
长球员,其中一次是在对 Wizards 时完成的。
25. LeBron Double Nickel: It was just a regular season game, yet LeBron was in b
ig-game mode in 2009, when he went for 55 in Milwaukee. During a 24-point third-
quarter blitz, he scored 16 in two minutes. It was his first Kia MVP season.
“LeBron 的双五五”:2009 年,他在 对阵Milwaukee 的常规赛表现如季后赛般抢眼,砍
下 55 分,其中第三节一波 24 分狂潮里,他在 2 分钟内拿下 16 分。那是他首次夺得 MV
P 的赛季。
24. LeBron Rescue: The season after the disappointing 2011 Finals provided sever
al checkpoints for LeBron. Among them was the playoff series with the Pacers, wh
ere Miami was down 2-1 and Chris Bosh was injured. LeBron responded with 40 poin
ts, 18 rebounds, nine assists, two steals.
LeBron 的救赎:在令人失望的 2011 年总决赛后,LeBron 在接下来的一季展现了多次关键
表现。其中包括季后赛对阵 Pacers,当时 Miami 以 1-2 落后,Chris Bosh 受伤。LeBron
砍下 40 分、18 篮板、9 助攻和 2 抄截,带领球队逆转。
23. LeBronto: LeBron took full ownership of Toronto in 2018 when once again he d
ismantled the Raptors, this time with 43 points and 14 assists on the road again
st the No. 1 seed. The Cavs swept the series and the Raptors were so shook they
traded DeMar DeRozan that summer for Kawhi Leonard.
LeBronto:2018 年,LeBron 再次摧毁 Raptors,在客场对第一种子的比赛中砍下 43 分和
14 助攻,完全掌控了 Toronto。Cavaliers 横扫系列赛,Raptors 心态受挫,夏天将 DeM
ar DeRozan 交易换来 Kawhi Leonard。
22. Big Game 7: LeBron dropped 45 points in a Game 7? It happened in the first r
ound against the Pacers and nemesis Lance Stephenson in 2018. LeBron averaged ne
arly 42 points in Cleveland’s four wins. Lance would later team with LeBron on
the Lakers.
G7大战:在 2018 年首轮对 Pacers 的第 7 场比赛中,LeBron 拿下 45 分。他在 Clevela
nd 的四场胜利中场均接近 42 分。同样在这轮系列赛中,他与宿敌 Lance Stephenson 对
决,后来 Lance 成为了他的 Lakers 队友。
21. Jet Is Grounded: The most disrespectful dunk of LeBron’s career was deliver
ed in 2013 to Jason Terry, who tried to prevent the alley-oop and wound up on th
e floor. Two years earlier, Terry and Dallas beat LeBron in the Finals and he to
ok delight in talking trash about it. Whoops.
“喷气机”被封杀:2013 年,LeBron 对 Jason Terry 送上了他生涯最具侮辱性的灌篮。T
erry 试图阻止 LeBron 的空中接力却被打趴在地。两年前,Terry 和 Dallas 曾在总决赛
击败 LeBron,并满口垃圾话,这一次 LeBron 给予了狠狠的回应。
20. Hello, Playoffs: In his playoff debut, LeBron gave a glimpse of the future.
He had a 30-point triple-double (32-11-11) in 2007 against the Wizards. He playe
d all 48 minutes of this game, because why sit LeBron when he’s on such a roll
— and only 22 years old?
季后赛首秀:在他的季后赛首秀中,LeBron 预示了未来的伟大表现。2007 年对 Wizards,
他完成了一场 30 分的大三元(32 分、11 篮板、11 助攻)。他打满全场 48 分钟,因为
在 LeBron 这样的状态下,何必要让他下场?当时的他才 22 岁。
19. Play-In Perfection: LeBron and the Lakers needed to advance through the fled
gling Play-In Tournament to qualify for the 2021 playoffs. LeBron notched a trip
le-double against the Warriors, including a 34-foot shot over Stephen Curry to s
eal the deal.
附加赛的完美表现:2021 年,LeBron 和 Lakers 必须通过附加赛才能进入季后赛。他在对
Warriors 的比赛中完成大三元,包括一记超过 34 英尺、越过 Stephen Curry的关键三分
18. Triple Final: It was all done in a lost cause, but in 2017 LeBron became the
first player to average a triple-double in the Finals, once again bringing forc
e against the Warriors.
总决赛场均大三元:尽管 2017 年的总决赛最终以失败告终,LeBron 成为史上首位在总决
赛场均大三元的球员,再次以强势表现对抗 Warriors。
17. Not-So-Welcome Back: After “The Decision,” LeBron eventually had to make h
is way back to Cleveland. The hostility was deep as LeBron was booed each time h
e touched the ball. His 38 points in that December 2010 game reminded Cleveland
what it lost.
不太友好的回归:在“The Decision”后,LeBron 不得不回到 Cleveland 面对当地球迷。
愤怒的情绪随处可见,每次他触球都被狂嘘。然而,他在 2010 年 12 月那场比赛中砍下 3
8 分,提醒 Cleveland 他们失去了什么。
16. Career-High: LeBron’s best scoring game? That was the 61 he gave to the Cha
rlotte Bobcats in 2014. He made his first eight 3-pointers. Maybe just as satisf
ying is he wore a protective black mask, and he did this to a team with Michael
Jordan in the ownership group.
生涯得分新高:LeBron 的单场得分纪录是在 2014 年对 Charlotte Bobcats 时创下的,他
砍下 61 分,开头8 记三分全中。同样令人难忘的是,他戴着一个黑色防护面罩完成这一壮
举,而对手的老板团队中还包括 Michael Jordan。
15. Boston Bounced: The Celtics were tortuous to LeBron for much of the Kevin Ga
rnett-Paul Pierce years and finally, James put them to rest with a powerful Game
5 in 2011. He scored the Heat’s last 10 points to eliminate the Celtics in the
East semifinals. After the buzzer, he knelt on the court because, at that point
of his career, the moment was massive for him.
击败 Boston:在 Kevin Garnett 和 Paul Pierce 时代的 Celtics,曾让 LeBron 多次折
戟。但在 2011 年的东区半决赛第 5 场,LeBron 用强势表现终结了他们。他连拿 Heat 最
后 10 分,淘汰 Celtics。终场哨响后,他跪倒在地,因为在当时的生涯阶段,这对他意义
14. Buzzer Beater: Maybe the most dramatic of all LeBron shots – and that says
a lot — came in 2009, Game 2 of the East Finals, when he drilled a 3-pointer ov
er Hedo Turkoglu to beat Orlando by a point. LeBron was immediately mobbed by hi
s Cavs teammates and, until he left and returned years later, it was perhaps his
biggest shot as a Cav.
压哨三分:LeBron 最戏剧性的一球出现在 2009 年东区决赛第 2 场。他在 Hedo Turkoglu
面前命中压哨三分,以一分之差击败 Orlando。当时 Cavs 队友立刻蜂拥而上。直到他多
年后重返 Cavs,这球被认为是他在队期间的最伟大一投。
13. No Headband, No Problem: LeBron had his headband knocked off by Tim Duncan w
ith nine minutes left in Game 6 of the 2013 Finals, then didn’t bother to put i
t back on. It became a convenient turning point, for LeBron went on a scoring bi
nge, getting 14 points without the ‘band. This is remembered as the Ray Allen G
ame, but LeBron hit a big 3-pointer with 20 seconds left to give Allen a chance
for That Shot.
无头带也无妨:在 2013 年总决赛第 6 场还剩 9 分钟时,LeBron 的发带被 Tim Duncan
打掉,他索性不再戴上。这成为了一个关键转折点,LeBron 随后爆发,仅在没有头带的情
况下就砍下 14 分。虽然这场比赛更多被称为 Ray Allen 的比赛,但 LeBron 在最后 20
秒命中关键三分,为 Allen 的“那一球”创造了机会。
12. Epic Comeback Triggered: With the Cavs down 3-1 to the Warriors in the 2016
Finals, LeBron sparked a historic rally with 41 points in Game 5. He added 16 re
bounds, seven assists, three steals and three blocks. Something special was brew
史诗级逆转的开端:在 2016 年总决赛中,Cavs 以 1-3 落后 Warriors,LeBron 在第 5
场砍下 41 分,触发了历史性的大逆转。他还贡献 16 篮板、7 助攻、3 抄截和 3 火锅,
11. Forty-One Once More: The very next game in that series came another 41-point
er by LeBron. He scored 18 straight for the Cavs between the third and fourth qu
arters to help force a Game 7. He added 11 assists, eight rebounds, four steals,
three blocks and only one turnover. It was pure dominance.
再次的 41 分:在那轮系列赛的下一场比赛,LeBron 再次砍下 41 分。他在第三节和第四
节之间连拿 18 分,帮助球队逼进抢七。这场比赛中,他还贡献了 11 助攻、8 篮板、4 抄
截、3 火锅,并仅有 1 次失误,展现了完全的主宰力。
10. Handicapped: LeBron led the Cavs to the 2015 Finals, and then soon after the
series with the favored Warriors started, Cleveland’s odds grew even more grim
when injured Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love eventually missed most of the Finals.
Without them, LeBron supplied a powerful one-man show, 35.8 points, 13.3 rebound
s and 8.8 assists per game in a lost cause.
残缺之战:LeBron 带领 Cleveland Cavaliers 进入 2015 年总决赛,但在与被看好的 Gol
den State Warriors 开始系列赛后不久,Cleveland 的情势更加不妙,因为 Kyrie Irving
和 Kevin Love 受伤,最终缺席了大部分总决赛。失去两位核心后,LeBron 一人独撑大局
,场均 35.8 分、13.3 篮板和 8.8 助攻,但依然无力回天。
9. Seven Gamer: In the 2013 NBA Finals, a few nights after Allen rescued the Hea
t, LeBron returned with a powerful effort against the Spurs. He tied the then-Fi
nals record for most points in a Game 7 victory with 37. He had five 3-pointers
and added 11 rebounds for a second straight title.
七场决胜:2013 年 NBA 总决赛中,在 Ray Allen 拯救 Miami Heat 的几晚后,LeBron 对
阵 San Antonio Spurs 再次展现强大实力。他在第七场比赛中攻下 37 分,追平当时总决
赛第七场的得分纪录,并命中 5 个三分球,外加 11 个篮板,助队夺得第二连冠。
8. First Title: LeBron was thirsty for a championship by 2012 and when given the
chance to seal it, he came through with a Game 5 triple-double to eliminate Okl
ahoma City.
首冠之夜:2012 年,渴望总冠军的 LeBron 抓住机会,在第 5 场比赛中完成大三元,带领
Miami Heat 淘汰 Oklahoma City Thunder,成功封王。
7. Bubble Burster: In the decisive game of the 2020 NBA Finals, played in ‘The
Bubble’ at Walt Disney World’s ESPN Wide World of Sports complex, LeBron deliv
ered as usual and as expected: 28 points, 14 rebounds and 10 assists. He won a c
hampionship with the Lakers, leading his third different team to a title. It was
his 11th triple-double in a Finals game.
泡泡夺冠:2020 年 NBA 总决赛决定战在 Disney World 的 ESPN Wide World of Sports
举行,LeBron 一如既往地稳定发挥,贡献 28 分、14 篮板和 10 助攻。他带领Lakers夺冠
,成为 NBA 历史上第一位带领三支不同球队夺冠的球员,并创下个人总决赛第 11 次大三
6. All-Time Scorer: It wasn’t the biggest shot of his career, or even the most
memorable. But on Feb. 7, 2023, once his 15-foot fadeaway swished in the final s
econds of the third quarter against Oklahoma City, the career points record that
belonged to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and stood for 39 years was his. LeBron was 38 y
ears old and in his 20th season.
历史得分王:这或许不是他职业生涯最重要或最难忘的一球,但在 2023 年 2 月 7 日,对
阵Thunder的第三节最后几秒,LeBron 命中一记 15 英尺后仰跳投,打破了 Kareem Abdul-
Jabbar 坚守了 39 年的 NBA 生涯总得分纪录。当时 LeBron 已经 38 岁,处于第 20 个赛
5. Prime-Time Player: LeBron came of age as a postseason player when he scored 2
5 straight points in fourth quarter and overtime against the No. 1 seeded Piston
s in Game 5 of the 2007 East Finals. He had 29 of the Cavs’ last 30 points, had
three game-tying or go-ahead shots in the final minute of the fourth and OT, an
d finished with 48 points.
巨星诞生:2007 年东区决赛第 5 场,LeBron 在对阵Pistons时一战成名。他在第四节和延
长赛连得 25 分,包办 Cavaliers 最后 30 分中的 29 分,包括在比赛最后一分钟内三次
投中关键球,最终攻下 48 分。
4. Finals Game 1 Ruined: George Hill missed a free throw to potentially win the
game. JR Smith forgot the score and dribbled out the clock. But what about the m
asterpiece by LeBron that was wasted? He went thermo with 51 points, eight rebou
nds and eight assists. That struck fear into the heavily favored Warriors, who w
ere fortunate to win in overtime, and then took the 2018 series.
总决赛第一战的遗憾:George Hill 错失了一记可能奠定胜局的罚球、JR Smith 忘记比数
并将时间耗尽,使LeBron 的经典表现被浪费,他狂砍 51 分、8 篮板和 8 助攻,让实力强
大的 Warriors 感到威胁。最终,勇士在延长赛中险胜,并赢下 2018 年系列赛。
3. Game 7, Warriors 2016: In the moment-of-truth fourth quarter, LeBron scored 1
1 points. For the game: 27 points, 11 rebounds, 11 assists, three blocks and two
steals, a thorough performance at both ends in the Finals finale. Cleveland, th
is was for you.
2016 年对 Warriors 的第七场:在最关键的第四节,LeBron 攻下 11 分。全场数据为 27
分、11 篮板、11 助攻、3 次火锅和 2 次抄截,在总决赛的最终决战中表现全面。这场胜
利是为 Cleveland 献上的冠军。
2. Celtics And The Sinister Stare: The defining moment for LeBron arguably wasn
’t any of his championship games, but Game 6 of the 2012 East finals against th
e Celtics. His legacy was on the line; the previous summer he was meek in the 20
11 Finals. And the Heat was down 3-2 to Boston. But LeBron went for 45-15-5, mak
ing 12 of 14 first-half shots, his mean “stare down” became a meme and Miami r
eturned to the Finals.
Celtics 和那致命的凝视:LeBron 的经典时刻不一定来自他的冠军赛,而是 2012 年东区
决赛第 6 场对阵 Boston Celtics。他的职业生涯正处于关键时刻;上一年在 2011 年总决
赛的表现不佳让他备受批评。当 Heat 面临 2-3 落后的绝境时,LeBron 攻下 45 分、15
篮板和 5 助攻,并在上半场 14 投 12 中。他那冷酷的凝视成为经典表情,最终带领 Miam
i Heat 返回总决赛。
1. Chase. Down. Block: Curiously, it’s a defensive play made by the game’s all
-time leading scorer that’ll live forever; ask Andre Iguodala. And this was LeB
ron’s specialty; how often did he provide help defense in his career? This Game
7 block saved the 2016 championship series for Cleveland and set up Kyrie’s ga
追魂锅:奇妙的是,一位 NBA 历史得分王的最经典瞬间,竟然来自一次防守表现。问问 An
dre Iguodala 就知道了。在 2016 年总决赛第 7 场,LeBron 的追魂锅不仅挽救了 Clevel
and 的总冠军系列赛,还为 Kyrie Irving 的致胜一球铺平道路。