[花边] Kerr说在比赛中听到球迷喘着气说打出去

楼主: yanshe0212 (言射言射)   2024-10-26 12:34:12
Steve Kerr, a Dodgers fan, was coaching in Utah when Freddie Freeman hit the gra
nd slam. He said he heard a guy in the front row gasp and say: ‘He hit it out.
’ Kerr asked the fan: “Who?”
“当 Freddie Freeman 击出大满贯时,道奇队球迷 Kerr 正在犹他州执教。他说他听到前
排的一个人喘着气说:“他打出去了。”Kerr 问球迷:“谁?””
今天勇士大胜爵士,主力第四节全部没上,主帅 Kerr 也惬意的在场边关心道奇队的比赛
作者: conqueror507 (冷箭)   2024-10-26 12:43:00
Bukkake !
作者: sampsonlu919 (欢迎所有球队教训旧金山)   2024-10-26 12:45:00
犹他的地势的确会让人容易喘 但这样也太让人想入非非了吧XD
作者: Harrison1814   2024-10-26 12:59:00
作者: kyoko3678906   2024-10-26 13:00:00

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