Luol Deng has been funding South Sudan's national basketball program out of hi s own pocket for four years, per Royal Ivey “Luol Deng has been funding this thing for four years out of his own pocket. He pays for gyms, hotels, plane tickets—everything. Kudos to Luol and the sta ff. We wouldn't have been able to put this team together without them.” What a guy (Via @Urbodo / h/t @BleacherReport ) “卤蛋这四年来一直自掏腰包赞助我们,健身房啦、饭店啦、机票啦这类的所有事。我们 对卤蛋跟工作人员们感激不尽,没有他们的话我们是没办法组成这支队伍的。” 湖人:健身房地板应该算我出的吧(X
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2024-07-30 08:05:00
作者: baller0allen (Lo que paso paso..) 2024-07-30 08:12:00