It's no secret the Utah Jazz are driving a high price for a potential Lauri
Markkanen trade, but there's reportedly only so much the Warriors are willing
to give up in a deal for the NBA All-Star.
爵士对于Markkanen 的交易报价要价高已经不是秘密,但据传勇士在这笔交易中愿意付出
While Utah's "serious" interest in Golden State guard Brandin Podziemski has
kept the prospect of a Markkanen trade between the Jazz and Warriors alive,
there also is a "growing belief leaguewide" that the Dubs are more willing to
move Jonathan Kuminga than Podziemski, NBA insider Marc Stein reported Sunday
in his latest Substack.
"To this point, however, it must be noted that Golden State's offers for
Markkanen have centered around a package featuring Moses Moody and draft
compensation without including Podziemski or Kuminga," Stein wrote.
即使爵士认真追求Brandin Podziemski这点让这个交易商讨仍然持续,不过联盟内部的人
开始认为比起Podziemski,勇士更愿意交易的是Jonathan Kuminga,来自Marc Stein的
While the Warriors certainly are very high on Kuminga, who enjoyed a breakout
campaign during the 2023-24 NBA season, they might be even higher on