XXXaBg (对的事情做一千次)
2024-07-02 02:32:05https://x.com/wojespn/status/1807844416163664317
BREAKING: Free agent Klay Thompson plans to join the Dallas Mavericks on a thr
ee-year, $50M deal with a player option, sources tell ESPN. Thompson ends his
historic Warriors run as part of a multi-team sign-and-trade that’ll also sen
d Josh Green to Charlotte.
50M/3y 外加PO加盟独行侠
这是个多队交易 独行侠还送出Josh Green至黄蜂队
Thompson had four-year offers for more money, but taking less was offset by th
e chance to win a fifth championship with the Mavs and difference in state tax
es. Agent Greg Lawrence of @wassbasketball led Thompson in serious talks with
Mavs and Lakers, among others.
独行侠一起赢得第五个冠军,并考虑到州税的差异。其经纪人Greg Lawrence(@wassbask
Warriors and Mavericks still working through details of sign-and-trade, which
includes Hornets sending the Mavericks two second-round picks for Josh Green,
sources tell ESPN. One of those picks could end up in Golden State. Thompson w
ill land in Dallas on the three-year deal.
作者: Aequanimitas (Paranoia) 2024-07-02 02:35:00
也才领这样 跟勇士闹翻值得吗....
作者: Mcgeeagenius (天才麦基) 2024-07-02 02:36:00
哇操 四爷
这一刻终于/终究还是来了 只是K汤这次合体对象是前对手KI?XD微妙
作者: AssetCreater 2024-07-02 02:42:00
作者: a09898966656 (游肥) 2024-07-02 02:50:00
这个价码就接受? 不留勇士是在帮勇士解套吗
作者: Utopiasphere 2024-07-02 02:51:00
其实我去年就有想过解体危机 只是我当时认为走的会是嘴绿
可以理解 勇士给2年 独行给3年 就算后者均薪较低我也选后者
作者: MissingSunny (思晴) 2024-07-02 03:17:00
有点感伤 要失眠了QQ
K汤回SF应该不至于被嘘啦,当地居民应该也了解双方的难处他倒是去曼菲斯时要小心点 当地球迷对勇士王朝成员的仇恨值相当高
作者: harry0702000 (fafner) 2024-07-02 06:37:00
作者: Harrison1814 2024-07-02 07:58:00
祝福K汤追求第五冠帮七七夺冠也蛮好的 真没想到浪花兄弟还是拆了…