[外絮] 湖人这周经历了连续的公关失败

楼主: ralfeistein (无名的ㄈㄓ王)   2024-06-14 23:17:42
by Alejandro Avila
It's Been A Bad Week For Lakers After Failed Dan Hurley Bid, Weak Tribute To
Jerry West
对湖人而言,本周经历了Dan Hurley招聘失败及对Jerry West贫乏的致敬后,简直是糟
How far the mighty can fall.
For decades, the Los Angeles Lakers were accustomed to being at the top of the
NBA mountain.
Look at the Lakers now. The dysfunction, via ineptitude, leaves little to the
imagination as to why this team can't recapture glory.
These Guys Aren't Your Dad's Lakers Team
As people look for the root cause of the Lakers' regression, the focus often
shifts to Lakers heir and owner Jeanie Buss.
当人们寻找湖人队沉沦的原因,常常归究于湖人的继承人及老板Jeanie Buss。
A foundation built by titans of the sport, such as the genius Dr. Jerry Buss,
who died in 2013, and legendary Jerry West, keeps the Lakers' box office
appeal alive despite years of truly awful decision-making by the brass. Some
could also add that Los Angeles' massive market also upholds a newly mediocre
Lakers operation.
起来,例如于2013年辞世的天才Jerry Buss博士,以及传奇球星Jerry West,使得湖人的
The modern Lakers are a first-round exit team looking to rebuild their
dynastic image. While currently coach-less, the Lakers have communicated to
fans that a grand plan is in play as long as LeBron James is a part of the
练,湖人已经向粉丝们表明,只要LeBron James还是队上的一员,宏伟的计画依然持续。
▲Jeanie Buss在4月25日于湖人主场观看湖人对上金块的比赛。
Some would say James is the reason the Lakers are reportedly interested in
hiring former player and podcaster J.J. Redick — boasting no prior experience
— as their next head coach.
有人提到,LBJ是湖人有兴趣聘请前球员以及Podcaster J.J. Redick担任他们下一任教练
Lakers' Higher-Ups (Then LeBron James) Remain The Problem
湖人高层(比起LeBron James)是问题所在
Jeanie Buss has been viewed over the years as something of a 'Kathleen Kennedy
' of the NBA. She can be a savvy businesswoman with a popular product, though
its appeal clearly rests more on its legacy than its future. Much like Kennedy
's overseeing of the "Star Wars" property, fans are worried about the
direction the franchise is headed … in this case, it's the Lakers.
多年来,Jeanie Buss一直被视为是NBA版的Kathleen Kennedy。他可以个精明的商人,拥
Then there's general manager Rob Pelinka, whose weak claim over operations
compared to LeBron James often puts the Lakers in the wrong direction.
再来是主管Rob Pelinka,与LeBron James相比,于管理方面的主导权薄弱,导致湖人往
A Failed Bid For Dan Hurley
招募Dan Hurley的挫败
Last week, reports burst on the scene that the Lakers were vetting UConn's two
-time college champ Dan Hurley as their top pick for their coaching vacancy.
上周据报载,湖人队正在审查康乃狄克大学二连霸教头Dan Hurley做为他们的总教练以填
Since declining the offer, Hurley has been open about the talks with LA. He
even admitted that the number on the checker could've been hired for such a
Herculean operation as rebuilding the Lakers. The numbers floating around that
Hurley was offered $70 million over six years certainly suggest LA's offer
lacked enough fat to poach him from UConn.
Jeanie Buss has been criticized this offseason for letting the premier
franchise get so cash-poor.
Jeanie Buss因为在营运上节省开支,在这休赛季饱受批评。
The immediate comparison goes to the cross-city team in the Clippers, a
franchise with more of a game plan for the future. Steve Ballmer's team will
unveil a new arena in November, which is expected to offer one of the most
attractive NBA fan experiences.
最直接的比较就是同城的快艇队了,这支球队更着重于未来的营运计画。Steve Ballmer
LeBron and the Lakers' home arena still has crypto on the title, which should
immediately raise eyebrows over the team's financial stability.
Lakers Brass Missed the Mark With Franchise Legend
Compared to all the eulogies and statements Wednesday, the Lakers did a poor
job of honoring the late Jerry West.
与周三的所有悼词及声明相比,湖人在赞颂Jerry West这方面做的很糟。
Jerry West, who died at age 86, reminded Lakers fans of the halcyon "Showtime"
days for the franchise.
Jerry West享寿86岁,他让湖迷想起"Showtime"的日子。
Not fixing their relationship with Jerry West, a pioneer of the franchise
capable of butting heads with the brass, showed the Lakers' lack of regard for
the foundation that made them. Excluding an Instagram Story post, Jeanie Buss
didn't put much effort into commemorating West for helping build the famous
Lakers brand — a major oversight by the big boss.
不与Jerry West这样的球队经营先峰修复关系,而是自以为是的与他斗争,表明湖人缺乏
对建立起他们的基础之人的尊重。除了Istagram的贴文外,Jeanie Buss并没有投注太多心
力纪念Jerry West如何帮助湖人建力品牌知名度,这是这位大老板的重大疏失。
"Today is a difficult day for all Laker fans," Buss wrote. "I know that if my
father were here, he would say that Jerry West was at the heart of all that
made the Lakers great. He was an icon to all — but he was also a hero to our
family. We all send our sympathies to Karen and the West family."
“今天对所有湖迷来说是很艰难的日子,”Jeanie Buss写道:“我知道,如果我父亲还
在,他会说真的是Jerry West让湖人变得这么棒。他是所有人的偶像,但他也是我们家族
After leaving to consult the dynastic Golden State Warriors, West tried to
return to LA with the Lakers in 2017 but was not allowed. He shifted toward
the Clippers and was heavily involved with the intracity rival until his
在离开金州勇士顾问的职务后,2017年Jerry West尝试回到湖人队,但是被拒绝。他辗转
"It’s because of Jerry West that there was even ‘Showtime,'" former Lakers
player and coach Byron Scott posted separately.
“正因为有了Jerry West,才有了"Showtime"。”前湖人球员、教练Byron Scott发文表
As calls build for Jeanie Buss to sell the team, who the team chooses to hire
as the next head coach and who they acquire to bolster the roster could
determine the future in LA.
随着要Jeanie Buss出售球队的呼声越来越高,谁是下一个球队总教练的选项,以及他们
作者: GleybeTorres (NYY SS/2B/3B)   2024-06-15 08:05:00
作者: swingingbear (Bear~XD)   2024-06-15 10:04:00
很意外吗? 湖人本来就靠地点而已又不是什么成功的团队

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