[情报] 社会正义奖候选人公布

楼主: rr8907010 (rr8907010)   2024-04-30 20:18:29
内容: Congrats to the 2023-24 NBA Social Justice Champion award finalists.
During the past year, and beyond, they dedicated themselves to creating a
more equal and just society. Stay tuned to see who takes home the Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar trophy for this season.
祝贺并公布2023-24 赛季 NBA 社会正义奖项的提名者们!在过去的一年以及更长的时间
赛季的Kareem Abdul-Jabbar奖杯。
去年Stephen Curry得到
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今年得主:Jamal Murray
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you are next
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