[花边] Kyrie灌篮 赛后记者问他会参加灌篮大赛吗

楼主: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)   2024-03-20 13:37:44
Kyrie Irving on his third dunk this season: "Did you watch the movie Benjamin
Button? What if I'm getting more athletic in my 30s? That would be a heck of
a thing, wouldn't it? With no screws in my knee, with no almost bad ankle. It
took me a few years to get healthy."
Kyrie Irving 谈他本季第三次灌篮:
“这是我生涯单季最多次灌篮的赛季吗? 三次? 我想这是我的生涯新高(实际上生涯最高
是单季四次灌篮),你有看过电影《班杰明的奇幻旅程》吗? 如果我三十多岁时变得更有
运动能力呢? 那将是一件了不起的事情,对吧? 膝盖没有打钢钉,脚踝也几乎没有伤。我
记者: “那你下一季会参加灌篮大赛吗?”
Kyrie Irving秒答: “不会。” ( KI离席,记者笑一片)
灌篮影片: https://twitter.com/NBA/status/1770250336734781668
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