※ 引述《Skyblueway (Sky)》之铭言:
: Warriors owner Joe Lacob: ‘Our Plan 1, or 1A, is that we’d like to be out of t
: he tax’
: 勇士老板Joe Lacob:我们的主要方案Plan 1或1A是我们要避免缴税
: This year the Warriors are set to pay $172.8 million in luxury tax alone — more
: than the total payroll of 17 NBA teams this season.
: 今年勇士光豪华税就要付$172.8M,比17只队伍的薪资加总还多
: As the new CBA fully kicks in this coming summer, the penalties for those over t
: he tax get more harsh. It’s not simply the payouts — owners like the Clippers
: ’ Steve Ballmer can shrug those off — but it also limits team-building options
: (tightening trade restrictions, limiting getting players on the buyout market).
: Which is why the Warriors want to get under that line and it is a team priority
: , Warriors governor Joe Lacob said on The TK Show with The Athletic’s Tim Kawak
: ami.
: 今年夏天新的CBA就要开始生效,对于薪资超过门槛的处罚也更重。不只是付钱就好(像对
: 于快艇老板来说,这些钱不算什么),但是也会影响建队的选项,像是紧缩的交易限制,限
: 制从买断市场得到球员。这是为什么勇士老板Lacob上The TK Show说要将薪资降到税线以下
: 。
: “Our Plan 1, or 1A, is that we’d like to be out of the tax, and we think that
: we have a way to do that. That kind of is the plan, not just under the second ap
: ron. I’ll tell you why that’s important because the truth is, we need to be ou
: t of the tax two years out of the next four in order to get this repeater thing
: off our books. We don’t want to be a repeater. It’s so prohibitive, not to say
: we wouldn’t do it if we had to, but you’ve gotta look at the downside of doin
: g that. So, that’s the plan, is to try to do that, and we think we can keep our
: team together and retain even the players that are, we might be able to bring p
: layers back at different numbers and so on.”
: 我们的主要方案 Plan 1A是避开豪华税,而且我们认为我们有办法做到。这就是方案,不是
: 只低于第二层。我跟你说为什么这很重要,事实就是我们需在往后四年中,有两年不能缴税
: 才能避开累进税率。我们不想要累进税,太贵了。不是说当必须付时,我们会选择不付,但
: 你要考虑薪资暴表的坏处。所以这就是我们会尝试的方案,而且我们认为我们能让球队保持
: 团结,甚至留住球员。
重点在于“we might be able to bring p
layers back at different numbers and so on.”” 中的 different numbers
Note 我猜就是间接告诉四爷需要他降价 ,而这就是勇士的plan1 ; 而失去他自然就是1A了 ,plan 2则是为PG LBJ 甚至是字母哥、铅笔准备的
: This flies in contrast to Lacob calling Lakers’ governor Jeanie Buss to test th
: e temperature of a LeBron James trade (which LeBron’s agent Rich Paul shot down
: ). That would have been insanely expensive, but it’s also the kind of move wher
: e money is not the concern.
: 这与Lacob打给湖人老板珍妮测试老詹交易的事是相反的,因为这会非常的贵,但这也表示
: 钱不是主要考量的动作
: Reaching “Plan A” and getting out of the tax would not be easy. As of today, t
: he Warriors have eight guaranteed contracts on the books for next season (assumi
: ng Gary Payton II picks up his $9.1 million option, which is a safe bet) at arou
: nd $137 million, but that does not include new contracts for Klay Thompson, Chri
: s Paul or Kevon Looney. The luxury tax threshold next season is $172 million. Hy
: pothetically, if Klay Thompson gets the same deal Draymond Green got last summer
: (four years, $100 million) the Warriors would have about $10 million for the re
: maining five roster spots it would have to fill — all minimum contracts.
: 达成Plan 1A且避开税不会很容易。目前勇士下季有八张值$137M的保证合约(假设GP2下季
: 选择执行$9.1M PO),但这不包含四爷、CP3及鲁尼。下季的豪华税线是$172M。假设四爷同
: 意跟嘴绿一样的合约(四年100M),勇士只剩10M空间给剩下必须填满的五个格子,这五个
: 都只能是最低薪资。
: It’s not impossible — not with things like the emergence of Brandin Podziemski
: , keeping Thompson’s roles smaller (and his contract cheaper) — but improving
: this core and returning to contender status while staying under the tax will be
: difficult. To say the least.
: 这并非不可能,Podz的表现减少了四爷的角色,且他的合约更便宜。但改善勇士核心并回到
: 竞争冠军的状态又维持在税线下是很困难的
: The window with Stephen Curry as a top-10 NBA player is only going to be open so
: long, this team needs to get better and more athletic, which means the Warriors
: have some hard choices to make this summer.
: Curry能维持在Top 10身手的时间不多,这只队伍需要打得更好,更有运动能力。这表示勇
: 士在今年夏天要做出困难的选择
: https://reurl.cc/G4g8Nd
: Lacob在节目中还有提到Plan 1B
: "There's a Plan 1B, I guess, and 1B is we could go even further than that and we
: could make big changes if we had to," Lacob said. "If this team were to slide a
: ll the way down here and not do well the end of the year here, you know there's
: gonna be big changes. But if we do really well, we might decide to go the other
: way, so everything's open, we have to be flexible, I can just tell you that the
: goal is to not be a lottery team ever."
: Plan 1B就是当勇士战绩继续下滑且季末战绩不好时,那我们就要必须做出重大改变。但如
: 果勇士打很好,我们也许要选择其他方案。任何事都有可能,我们需要保持弹性。我只能告
: 诉你,目标是不要成为乐透队伍
: 大家觉得勇士打到什么程度 老板才愿意花钱? 不过以目前的战绩 我看四爷留不住了
我自己猜 ,勇士很可能在暑假直接学湖人签一张10M左右的中产
你愿意就把剩下(补完3格底薪)约 18-22M都给你