[情报] PJ Tucker不会寻求买断

楼主: EZ78 (EZ78)   2024-02-09 04:47:54
Los Angeles Clippers forward PJ Tucker will not request a buyout and will
remain with team the duration of season after trade attempts fell short,
league sources tell
洛杉矶快艇前锋PJ Tucker将不会要求快艇买断他并会在他的交易请求失败后留队。
“I want to be somewhere where I’m needed, wanted and can do it all. I don’
t know what’s going to happen but I have my fingers crossed and I’m hoping
to go somewhere else whether I get bought out and choose where I go or where
I can play,” Clippers forward PJ Tucker ro
他原本跟Marc Spears说他怎样都想离开去一个他能贡献的地方
买断市场损失一员大将 :(
不过James Harden倒是还是很看好他希望他留下来可以贡献
作者: pagenotfound (404 not found)   2024-02-09 08:39:00

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