其实这两句话只是截录,原本是和尼克赛后 ESPN的记者问他
有什么可以对年轻球员说的忠告。(asked about advice he would give to young
basketball players)
然后老詹难得说了很长的一篇话,全文如下 :
"Learn the history of the game. Respect the ones that came before you. Even
when they do disrespect you, it's okay. It's absolutely okay. Know who paved
the way. Understand what a professional is all about. Be a pro. Show up to
work, be ready to work, if you're on time, you're late. Put the work in. The
game gives back to you when you put the work in; that's what the game g-ds
do. Come to the gym. One of the first ones to the gym. You're one of the last
ones to leave...
Just pour it all into the game if you want to be great and if you want to be
someone that will never be forgotten in this league. The cars and the jewelry
and all of the dumb s**t that don't matter means absolutely nothing. I see a
lot of these young kids getting so unfocused about stuff that is so material
that they can lose their focus.
Just worry about the game; when you worry about the game, everything takes
care of itself. Worry about the game, worry about your family and then worry
about the game some more. And be selfish, too. It's okay to be selfish
because you have to be a little bit selfish to be able to be great. Some
people have to fall to the wayside at times."
要关心的只有球赛; 当你集中关心球赛时,其他的琐事自会水到渠成。关注你的比赛﹑