[外絮] 76人认为 Embiid遭舆论影响 被迫带伤上场

楼主: usnavyseal (usmarine2008)   2024-02-01 22:20:38
http://tinyurl.com/yvkvdrv9 Sam Amick, the Athletic
76人内部人士认为 Embiid遭舆论影响 被迫带伤上场
You could see it long before he was hurt against the Warriors. Embiid, who
missed Philadelphia’s game at Portland on Monday night, looked like a player
who pushed himself to play against Golden State because the whole basketball
world was screaming in his ear. There are people within the Sixers who are
convinced that he played only because of all the scrutiny.
There was the evidence that was largely ignored from the Thursday night game
against Indiana when Embiid went down midway through the second quarter and
appeared to hurt that same left knee that would be his undoing in Denver.
Nonetheless, he played through it against the Pacers and finished with 31
points, seven rebounds and three assists in 31 minutes.
导致他缺席金块的赛程。但他仍坚持上场跟溜马打,在31分钟内打出31PT 7REB 7AST
Fast forward two nights, and it was entirely fair to wonder why Embiid wasn’
t on the injury report heading into the Nuggets game (and make no mistake,
the league has been investigating that very matter). But the criticism
regarding his absence went much further than that.
Embiid was deemed a coward in some circles, someone who would rather get
booed (which he was) than take on Jokiin his building. Never mind that he
had just bested Jokiin Philadelphia less than two weeks before.
有些人认为他胆小,宁愿被嘘也不面对 Jokic,别忘了他之前才在费城打败过 Jokic
reddit留言 https://i.imgur.com/TpqnNim.png https://i.imgur.com/QbBYvXb.png
https://i.imgur.com/2l8Z4jK.png https://i.imgur.com/XA9iGAs.png
We're the baddies? 我们是坏人吗?(电影梗)
Our caps actually have skulls on them, Hans.
我们的帽子上竟然有骷髅头,Hans,我们是不是坏人啊 (电影梗)
I basically clubbed his knee myself 理论上是我亲手打伤了他的膝盖
i used to be an MVP like you, until i took a club to the knee
I'm actually a part of the medical staff that cleared him
It’s the Sixers fault for having a Nuggets fan on their medical team.
Blaming the fans for medical malpractice is an interesting pivot, let’s see
if it pays off. 把医疗误诊的责任丢球迷给是个有趣的转折,让我们看看这会不会有用
ngl i read this as these unnamed Sixers org people blaming Embiid for letting
it get to him. Either way this isn't something the sixers should be putting
out 老实说,感觉76人内部在责怪Embiid受外界影响。这种事不该外流。
作者: LEBR0NJAMES6   2024-02-01 22:22:00
作者: Davidlomanyu (大尾于)   2024-02-01 22:31:00
76人管不动铅笔 76人管不动铅笔 我一开始听到也觉得干怎么可能
作者: sustainer123 (caster)   2024-02-01 22:41:00
笑死 只敢在主场打小丑还敢讲喔
作者: BrahmaBull36 (衰尾道人)   2024-02-01 22:58:00
好了啦 76管理层不敢扛责喔 谁评估可以让他上的
作者: JameerNe1son (奥兰多小战神)   2024-02-01 23:03:00
不想打就不要打,想要拿奖项又想要休战还想要全世界都挺他,是有什么问题 = =
作者: swingingbear (Bear~XD)   2024-02-01 23:40:00
作者: BrahmaBull36 (衰尾道人)   2024-02-02 00:22:00
http://i.imgur.com/o8ZNyTu.jpg硬要讲的话 顶多上季算躲吧 对啊
作者: sustainer123 (caster)   2024-02-02 06:54:00
笑死 队友没嘴他不就不想素质跟他一样低
作者: shooooooboom (咻蹦)   2024-02-02 12:35:00
好啦 全都怪我啦怪天怪地怪队友 就是永远不会怪自己

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