01:28.0 To 01:08.7
Q4 01:10.5 Foul: Defense 3 Second Draymond Green Lakers INC
Comment: Green (GSW) straddles the lane line and is in the paint for
longer than three seconds without imminently actively guarding an opponent.
嘴绿防守禁区三秒 当下没被吹 此为误判
Q6 00:07.3 Foul: Offensive Draymond Green Jarred Vanderbilt INC
Comment: Green (GSW) steps toward Vanderbilt (LAL) and he delivers the
contact that dislodges Vanderbilt during the screen.
重点 OT2的咖哩超前三分球
嘴绿掩护时直接将Vanderbilt撞飞 此为进攻犯规 当下没吹 为误判