[外絮] Wade跟Dirk坦白 当年与LBJ模仿咳嗽很幼稚

楼主: usnavyseal (usmarine2008)   2024-01-19 20:10:54
http://tinyurl.com/4s2zcytk Essentially Sports CAROLINE JOHN
https://youtu.be/sw85LfGyJ8w?t=2507 https://voca.ro/1k6bTAeJciTJ
Dwayne Wade在节目上跟 Dirk Nowitzki, Pau Gasol and Tony Parker 回忆往事
其中谈到他与 LeBron模仿 Dirk的咳嗽事件,表示当年很幼稚,媒体也炒作了新闻
逐字稿 (Wade用Ipad写下想坦白的事)
Dirk: Yeah, okay. I remember this. I remember this. 喔喔,这件事啊,我记得啊
Wade: Can you show the cameras, please? 你可以给镜头看吗
Dirk: Yeah. So this is LeBron and my guy D-Wade. 嗯,这是LeBron跟我的好友Wade
Wade: What are we doing? 我们做了什么
Dirk: Fake coughing in the 2011 finals. 2011年总冠军在假装咳嗽
Wade: How childish was that moment? 当年有多幼稚啊?
Dirk: Yeah, I mean, I...(everyone laughing) You know, actually, so I was sick
for that game 4, and then I ended up not seeing this until after game 4. So I
saw this before game 5, I believe. I didn't appreciate it. (everyone laughing)
我记得 (来宾都在笑) G4我生病了,其实我是G4结束后才看到影片,大约G5开始前吧
我没有很喜欢这个动作 (来宾都在笑,特别是Gasol和 Parker)
Parker: Okay. Okay. Political. I still sound... 好,继续保持正经的方式讲
Dirk: I didn't didn't like it. It's just, to me, it felt a little disrespectful
I felt like I've never had to fake an injury. I've never had to fake an illness
to show anything. You know, I wanted...You know, I didn't feel well that day.
I had a little fever, and really, that was it. So I thought it was childish.
Wade: It was childish. 确实很幼稚
Dirk: I think.. I think I said it at one of the press conference, but at the
end of the day, that didn't add to the motivation. You know, honestly, I was
at this point, game 5, we were two games away from reaching my dream, which
in 2006, we were 2 games away. So I really didn't want this to be a big
distraction for me. And I think even Coach Carlisle addressed it and said,
"listen, this video came out. We're not speaking about it as a team. We're
going to stay to our business, and we're here to win one or two more games.
You know, we're not... This is not going to sidetrack us."
And that's real and I felt it. So I went to the press conference. I said I
didn't like it. I thought it was childish. But other than that, I think I kind
of left it at that. I think some of the 2006 things sat deeper.
That bothered me a little more. But now we can laugh about it.
Wade: Yeah. We didn't... Like you said, it was kind of one of those things
that happen. You don't know what it's going to become. And I remember walking
down the hallway, and we were coming out of shoot-around. And I think at this
point, we're up 2-1. We lost. You guys came back, that amazing comeback in
Miami, game 2. But we came to Dallas, and we won game 3. So now, in our
minds, we ain't controlling it. We're supposed to be up 3-0. And so all the
talk back to us is, well, Dirk is sick. Dirk's hand is this. Dirk is this. So
we like... Like, you know, I think in a sense, like in a moment of being
young and having one of those moments, we was like, oh, he's sick, and did
like a fake cough. And boom, it went everywhere. You know what I mean?
我们领先 2-1,但我们输掉G2,你们在迈阿密惊人地逆转比赛,后来我们在G3赢扳回一胜
当时年少轻狂的我们 轻率地觉得原来他生病了,然后模仿他咳嗽,结果这动作引爆舆论
And then in our mind, we were tired of hearing about Dirk. We're like, we're
up 2-0. Why y'all keep talking about him being sick, or his hand is this or
that? And so it became, I think, bigger. But then once you look at it, you're
like, okay, that was a moment, a childish moment that was caught on camera.
That you wish you can grab that moment back. But at the same time, knowing it
didn't have any bearings on the series. Like, it wasn't going to make you a
greater player. You were already great. You know what I mean? But yeah, so I
just wanted to...A lot of people never heard us talk about it, and there we go.
你会希望能够收回那一刻。但同时也知道对系列赛没影响。 Dirk已经很伟大了,无需证明
Dirk: I'm glad this is all out. I'm liking it. I'm liking it. We probably
should have had these conversations a long time ago. Yeah, yeah.
Everyone: Yeah, yeah. 是啊,是啊。
Wade: You didn't know about that? 你不知道吗?
Parker: I didn't know about that. 我不知道啊
Dirk: Oh, really? 真假?
Gasol: You know... I mean, not really, no. 我其实不太知道欸
Parker: I was on vacation somewhere. 我当时在度假
Dirk: On your boat? 在你的船上
Gasol: You know, once you're done with your season, for the most part, you're
trying to disconnect. You don't want to watch that stuff. You know? You know,
where you wish you were, but you're not there.
Wade: You're somewhere else. 你在其他地方。
Gasol: You know? And especially for us in 11, where we just came from winning
back to back, and we lost to them in the conference semis and stuff. I wasn't
going to watch you guys going at it where I wish my team was at the time.
So I wasn't paying any attention to it at that point.
你知道吗 尤其是我们刚在11年连续2年都有夺冠,结果在半决赛输给了他们。
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