[花边] 小李:当晚最精彩的投篮是Lopez的三分

楼主: kayaOAO (Kaya)   2024-01-16 10:02:41
Dame: “It feels great.. I think the biggest shot of the night was brook’s
3.. I saw it was 4-5 seconds down two.. once I saw that open space I was like
this is the space that I live in.. the end of the game, an opportunity to
come up big I missed a couple shots and I shot my best shot on the last one
of the game so that’s what I’m here for.”
“感觉太棒了…我认为当晚最精彩的投篮是Brook Lopez的三分球…
时间剩4-5 秒…落后两分,当我看到那个空档时,我就觉得这就是我赖以生存的点…
小李说的Brook Lopez的三分球
作者: shinichi4869 (工藤新一)   2024-01-16 15:10:00
战术应该是小李吸怪 传给大罗投石机三分结果小李自己投掉

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