※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒险盖)》之铭言:
: 来源:记者Connor Letourneau推特
: 网址:https://twitter.com/Con_Chron/status/1745307211310789104
: Steph Curry on whether he feels the Warriors need to show the front office by
: the trade deadline that this group should stay together: "It’s pretty
: evident that if things stay the same ... That’s the definition of insanity,
: right? Do the same thing and expect the same result?"
: 被问到他觉得该不该跟制服组表示,在球员交易大限日前,现在这阵容还该不该在一起?
: 咖哩说:“如果维持现状的话,那现在结果很明显....那就是脑袋有问题,对吧?重复
: 做同样的事然后预期结果一样?”