[情报] Juan Toscano-Anderson一年约加入国王

楼主: EZ78 (EZ78)   2023-12-15 07:41:21

The Sacramento Kings are signing F Juan Toscano-Anderson to a one-year deal, sou
rces tell ESPN. Toscano-Anderson — who’s had stops with the Warriors, Lakers a
nd Jazz — has been playing with Mexico City of the G League.

沙加缅度国王以一年合约签下前锋Juan Toscano-Anderson。这位前勇士湖人爵士球员原本

加州球衣搜集狂(3/4) 下一站 快艇

另外 他也是现在联盟唯一一位墨西哥人球员
作者: conqueror507 (冷箭)   2023-12-15 07:59:00
国王有很多伤兵吗?我想说昨天才刚签史丹利,原来那是G league的

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