James Harden on his message to Russell Westbrook: “Just stay with it. It’s a long season & I know it’s probably frustrating for him just cause the minutes are fluctuating… I feel like we all need somebody to pick us up and tell us it’s going to be ok.” James Harden被问到他有什么想要对Russell Westbrook说的时候回答: "Russ必须要坚持下去。球季还很长且因为他的上场时间一直在波动而会感到沮丧...我感 觉我们需要一个人鼓励我们并告诉我们所有事情会顺利的。" James Harden: "There's gonna be times where offensively we're stagnant, we just can't let our defense have slippage." James Harden也表示: "我们都会有进攻就是停滞的时候,所以我们不能让我们的防守下滑。" Ty Lue on Russell Westbrook’s sequence at the end: “Just staying ready. Russ gave us a lot of energy in that game… To sit out that long and come back in and put your head at the rim to get a rebound, that was huge for us.” Ty Lue谈到Russell Westbrook今晚最后那波的表现时答道: "(Russ)都有准备好。Russ给了我们整场比赛很多的能量...他坐板凳坐了很久但一回到场 上就竭尽全力冲到篮下抢下篮板,那对我们来说非常巨大。" Has getting this new Clippers team to work been harder than Ty Lue expected? Lue: “It’s been pretty hard. But I’m built for it.” 记者问了Ty Lue让新的快艇能够运作是否比想像中困难 Lue:"一直都很困难。但我就是为此而生。" Kawhi Leonard: "We've still got to be more consistent." Kawhi Leonard:"我们还得要更加稳定。" Kawhi Leonard on his last defensive possession vs. Steph Curry: “Just tryna do the best I can. He’s a great player. He can shoot the ball from anywhere on the floor… My teammates did a good job, Russ was right there.” Kawhi Leonard谈到最后他防守Curry的那个回合: "我只是尽力做我可以做到的。他是很棒的球员。他可以在场上的任何地方投篮...我的队 友做得很好,Russ就在那里。" Paul George: "At this point, I think T-Mann is a little in his head at shooting three... the best way to get through that is to keep shooting it." Hit a very important one in the clutch. Paul George:"我觉得现在的T-Mann在投三分的时候会想太多...他要摆脱只能一直投下去 。" 他今天在关键时刻进了一颗非常重要的三分 今天1-5之后命中率上升至17.1% 在出赛超过10场场均投2颗三分以上的球员中上升至倒数第 二 Paul George: "We just didn't give up. That's what it takes." Paul George:"我们就是没放弃。这就是我们所需要的。" Paul George on his gamewinner: "We wanted to go without a timeout, catch the defense scrambling... I felt confident with the ball in my hand. It was just get to my spot... no fear in being in that moment." Paul George谈到他的致胜球:"我们不想要喊暂停并抓到了他们防守的混乱...我当时球在 手中并感到有信心。我就是到了我擅长的点...我不会畏惧这种时刻。"