[花边] 近十场各队Efficiency 雷霆一枝独秀

楼主: kevinwei223 (CurryForThree)   2023-12-02 10:23:47
The Efficiency Landscape. What Jumps Out?
10 Free Takes
1. SGA = MVP, deal with it.
2. Orlando!
3. DET = The Very Bad Boys
4. Indiana = Points! (on both ends)
5. Spurs can't win.
6. No D in Dallas
7. Not enough offense in LA
8. MIL heating up
9. Pels! Is this real? or a mirage?
10. DEN stuck in neutral
2. 奥兰多魔术...真的好强!
3. 活塞 是非常坏孩子(16连败)
4. 溜马 超会得分(跟失分)
5. 马刺 无法赢球
6. 达拉斯 没有防守
7. 洛杉矶队伍的进攻火力不足
8. 公鹿 逐渐加温
9. 鹈鹕 是真的变好还是昙花一现?
10. 卫冕军金块 困在中间
作者: derekchang56 (Derekchangpwpw)   2023-12-02 10:26:00
我家苦粒有移动迷宫又又又输了 真的距离证明自己没有移动迷宫还能在nba生存很远 我好崩溃啊

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