laptic (无明)
2023-08-24 13:12:01后来的说法:
The Kobe & Gigi statue unveiling on 8/8/24 report is not true according to
multiple people at the Lakers and AEG.
Kobe is getting a statue one day. We all know that. There has been talk about
including Gigi but a statue hasn’t been commissioned and a date has not been
set yet.
先前称 Kobe 和 Gigi 的雕像将在明年八月八日揭幕的报导,已经遭到某些湖人队内人士
和安舒茨娱乐集团(持有湖人队部分少数股权)的否认。我们都知道 Kobe 终有一日会有
※ 引述《Skyblueway (Sky)》之铭言:
: BREAKING: Kobe Bryant statue outside LA's Crypto.com Arena will incorporate his
: daughter Gigi and – in a nod to his jersey numbers, 8 and 24 – will be unveile
: d by the Lakers on August 8, 2024, per @DailyMail
: 为致敬Kobe的球衣号码8跟24,Kobe与女儿Gigi的雕像将于2024年8月8号在Crypto Arena外
: 揭幕
: https://twitter.com/TheDunkCentral/status/1689330274939682816?t=q0_eoRKqG_ZMbE8s
: sEyLOg&s=19
: 还是觉得不舍
: 有Gigi 不知道雕像会用什么姿势