Once again the Suns are betting on themselves this time with the Orlando Magic.
Phoenix already owed a pick swap with Washington in 2026.
Here’s an example in 2026
Washington 10
Phoenix 20
Orlando 25
The Magic would now have the 20th pick in the Draft and Phoenix 25th
The Wizards stay at 10
由于太阳26年的首轮交换权之前已经跟巫师交易,这次又跟魔术交易(第一次知道原来交换权可以重复换),据Bobby Marks的举例,如果顺位是巫师10、太阳20、魔术25,那就会变成巫师10、魔术20、太阳25,这很好理解,但如果是太阳10、巫师20、魔术25的情况,是谁会拿到太阳的10号签,恳请大大开示