Wembanyama took off his shoes, straightened his back, stood still, and
allowed his new employers to take a true scientific accounting of the
distance between the top of his scalp and the soles of his feet. The exact
number, per a Spurs official? Seven feet, three-and-one-half inches.
正确的数字是多少呢? 马刺官方:“7尺3.5吋”
Jason Tatum unlocked his safe, pulled out his birth certificate, stood
still, and allowed his new employers to take a true scientific accounting of
the amount of time between the day he was born and today. The exact number,
per a Boston Celtics official? Seventeen-and-one-half years.
总共有多少时间. 正确的数字是多少? 赛尔提克官方:“17.5年”
Ben Simmons opened up his instagram, cashed another game check, conducted
long internal discussion to choose the right sunglasses, pulled down his
pants, stood still, and allowed his new employers to take a true scientific
accounting of the amount of testicular fortitude that he currently possesses.
The exact number, per a Brooklyn Nets official? Zero point five testicular
好,让新雇主用科学的方式量测蛋蛋现在的硬度. 正确的数字是多少?篮网官方“硬度0.5”
Kelvin Benjamin took off his belt, pushed out his stomach, stood still, and
allowed his new employers to take a true scientific accounting of the mass
between the top of his scalp and the soles of his feet. The exact number, per
a Golden Corrall official? Three hundred, eighty five pounds.
到脚顶的质量. 正确的数字是多少呢? 吃到饱餐厅官方:“385磅”