NBA commissioner Adam Silver revealed that he is worried about what Ja Morant
will do in his free time if he is forced to serve a lengthy suspension for
seemingly flashing a firearm on Instagram Live.
Dan Patrick asked Silver if there was any concern over what would happen in
that instance on a recent episode of his show.
“Precisely — and I’m worried about that too,” Silver said. “And so again,
putting aside the number of games that we may be looking at, I’d like to
come up with a program and frankly working with him in which there is a joint
sense – a mutual commitment – that we need to put together a program. Not
something that’s a couple of sessions and I’m back. But something that where
he will be able to use time away from the game.”
Dan Patrick节目中请到了Silver 询问是否担心因长期的禁赛 在空闲期间做出什么
量,我希望能够提出一个计画,和他合作并与他达成共识 - 一种双方的承诺 -
是他爸喔担心那么多 直接NBA永不录用不就得了这样他就算搞事也跟NBA没关系了
嘘阿银的有看内文?标题也是乱下 明明就是在说担心没比赛的空闲时间 跟禁赛时间长短哪有关系 阿银都
知道了 禁赛100场 2035年开始执行建议阿银 每季禁赛4场 分批执行 好好疼乖儿子
作者: Hohenzollern 2023-06-09 21:12:00
作者: FoxtailMille (FoxtailMillet) 2023-06-10 12:59:00