[情报] 热火队球员赛后访问统整

楼主: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)   2023-05-26 23:20:21
Q. Jimmy, your guys are still leading 3-2. You have a home game to close it
out. What's the sense of being up 3-0 and losing two in a row by a combined
30 points in the locker room from you? What's the mindset now with where the
series stands?
JIMMY BUTLER: We've just got to play better. Start the game off better, on
the starters, make it more difficult for them. They are in a rhythm since the
beginning of the game. But we are always going to stay positive, knowing that
we can and we will win this series. We'll just have to close it out at home.
JIMMY BUTLER:我们需要打得更好。先发球员从一开始就要有更好的表现,让对方打得更
Q. To follow up on that, why is it that your confidence and the group's
confidence remains so high given the way the last two games unfolded?
JIMMY BUTLER: Because the last two games are not who we are. It just happened
to be that way. We stopped playing defense halfway because we didn't make
shots that we want to make. But that's easily correctable. You just have to
come out and play harder from the jump. Like I always say, it's going to be
all smiles and we are going to keep it very, very, very consistent, knowing
that we are going to win next game.
JIMMY BUTLER:因为过去两场比赛,不是我们该有的表现。但事情就这样发生了。因为我
Q. We have talked in here about how they have made it harder on Bam. What
does it look like to you that the Celtics have changed defensively?
JIMMY BUTLER: I think they pack the paint really well, switching really well
and just contesting shots without fouling. I think that's the game as a
whole. But it's on us to get him in better positions to score the ball, get
it to him in transition and stuff like that. When you look at the film and
look at how we can be better and getting him into his spots with the ball,
with the position and with the time on the clock to score, we'll be better at
JIMMY BUTLER:我觉得他们在禁区防守和轮转防守做得很出色,且在不犯规的情况下进行
Q. Obviously you miss Gabe and he's important and now there's no Gabe,
there's no Tyler, there's no Vic. Other guys did step up and given
contributions: Haywood, Duncan. Is there a comfort in knowing that there are
other guys there and that they were able to step for you and there's other
numbers and guys to call upon if needed?
问: 显然,你们少了Gabe Vincent,他很重要,但现在少了Gabe、Tyler Herro、
Victor Oladipo。 其他人也确实挺身而出并做出了贡献,像是Haywood Highsmith、
Duncan Robinson。 这是否会让您感到宽慰,知道还有其他人能够挺身而出,并且如果需
JIMMY BUTLER: Yeah, without a doubt. Guys are so confident because they have
been in this position all year long with guys in and out of the lineup. They
are constantly working on their game. So they don't switch up anything just
because it's Game 5 of the playoffs or Game 5 of the season. They are going
to do what they are comfortable with. They are going to do whatever you ask
them to do. They are going to play well. I feel like they did in the
possessions and the time that they got out there.
JIMMY BUTLER:是的,毫无疑问。这些球员非常自信,因为整个赛季他们一直处于这种情
Q. From our vantage point it looks like the Celtics are crowding the lane
when they are on defense a lot more and have a lot bigger crowd around you.
What are you seeing from the Celtics' defense that maybe you had not seen in
the first two games?
BAM ADEBAYO: Definitely more of a packed paint. For me, man, just got to pick
up that sense of urgency and watch film and get back to the basics.
BAM ADEBAYO:禁区绝对是更拥挤。对我来说,我只需要增加紧迫感,观看录影带,回归
Q. Jimmy was just up here a few minutes ago expressing confidence saying you
guys are going to take Game 6. Is that confidence still permeating the locker
room even after these last two games?
BAM ADEBAYO: Yeah, why would we lose confidence? When we started this
journey, nobody believed in us. Everybody thought we were going to be out in
the first round. Everybody thought we were going to be out in the second
round. And now we are here one game away. For us, we've always had
confidence, and that's not going to go away.
BAM ADEBAYO:当然,我们为什么要失去信心呢?当我们开始这段旅程时,没有人相信我
Q. You said you had to pick up the urgency, back to the offense and what
Boston is doing. What do you have to do when you see this, or your teammates,
whether it's getting you the ball quicker or do you need to catch it in
different spots? What do you have to change?
BAM ADEBAYO: I feel like we all
作者: aa01081008tw   2023-05-26 23:41:00
作者: luvstarrysky (爱恋星空1)   2023-05-26 23:45:00
还是希望能走到冠军赛 不过谁上去应该都会被金块暴打
作者: ginopun10477 (大腿牌)   2023-05-27 00:32:00
作者: conniemywife (loveconnie)   2023-05-27 12:03:00
赢绿赛还是可以阿 bam突然变得像欧拉朱万这么猛 总冠也不是问题了其实很想问 阿莱利不是很强吗 奇怪了 热火照理来说要总冠等级欸 怎只有这样
作者: CsvsLinginoo (CsvsLinginoo)   2023-05-27 13:04:00
直接让三个人且都是低顺位球员的老八被纸面战力更强的高顺位球队逆转怎么会是笑话 原本官方及多数球迷都预计青赛横扫或五场解决欸 热火已经拖到最少七场欸 无论系列赛热火输或赢都绝对加载历史了

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