S77 (绿色怪物)
2023-05-12 22:32:59※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒险盖)》之铭言:
: 老巴要湖人跟热火得要在G6拿下系列战
: With convincing losses to the Warriors and Knicks, the Los Angeles Lakers and
: Miami Heat are under pressure to win as the series returns to their home
: courts.
: 分别输给勇士跟尼克,湖人跟热火都将回到主场,有着得要拿下胜利的压力。
: Although both Miami and Los Angeles hold a solid 3-2 lead in their respective
: series in the Conference Semifinals, Charles Barkley pointed out that it is
: extremely important that both of them close out the series in the next game.
: 尽管热火跟湖人各自在分区准决赛都是以3-2领先,老巴指出G6对两队来说都非常重要。
: “The Heat are in the exact same situation as the Lakers. That next game is
: their Game 7. The Lakers and the Heat, they both gotta win Game 6,” Barkley
: said on NBA on TNT.
: “热火跟湖人的情况是一模一样,下一场比赛就是他们的最终第七战,他们得要在Game 6
: 就拿下胜利。”老巴在节目上说到。
: “I’ve been in that situation when you are up 3-1. You don’t want to say
: it, and you don’t want to admit it. But once that pendulum swings, cause you
: know if you lose Game 6 at home, you are not going to win Game 7,” Sir Chuck
: added.
: “我以前也碰到一样的情形,3-1领先。大家不想说,大家不想承认。但是一旦当气势转
: 变,若是在Game 6主场输球的话,Game 7是不会赢的了。”
就是低种子G6在主场输掉关门战 好像气势会倒向另外一边去?
然后G7回到高种子的主场 直接被打到躺平输掉系列赛
近几年有没有哪一个系列赛违反这个现象 大家比较有印象的?
G6在主场输掉 G7却可以赢球的?
毕竟低种子在G7倒打淘汰掉高种子 难度本来就很高