Reporter: "Have you ever been part of a Playoff series where trash talk actual ly impacted the outcome?" LeBron: "The game is won in between the four lines. Always has. Always will be .” 记者:垃圾话是否曾经影响过参与的系列赛? LBJ:比赛是在场上被赢得的,一直都是,永远都是。 "Tomorrow's going to be a great [Game 3 vs. Grizzlies]. I'm not here for bulls h**. I'm ready to play and that's it." —LeBron Will the locked-in King James be enough to put the Lakers up 2-1? (影片) 当记者再问LBJ有关狄龙的问题时,LBJ直接打断记者提问。 LBJ:我不想再多说什么,明天会是精彩的比赛,我不是来这废话的,我准备好打球了, 就这样。 短评或心得: 全力詹来了?