mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2023-04-01 18:05:11I think because it's something that. if you're not the person involved if you're
not the person uh..who's living whatever that loyalty is to or whatever that's
about. And it's hard to understand, and I think a lot of people. Look at my situ
ation and they're like,man, damn, they ain't being loyal and loyalties and loyal
to that, and they just kind of throw it around, and I've explained it, you know
, I'm not trying to get nobody no loyalty. I'm am not trying to get no loyalty s
peech and all that stuff but that seems to be the way it always get flipped beca
use I get asked about you know, my situation but for me. I just have a way that
I want to get things done for myself, you know. That doesn't mean that things co
uld never change, you know? The team could one day just be like, look, we want t
o see that happen too, but it's not working out, we don't know, you know, I don'
t you know, I never you never know. I just have my stance on what I want to see
happen, but I mean in this and this business, you never know.
我觉得如果你不是当事人,你不会理解忠诚。 很多人看到我的情况就会说:“哇,他们不
持忠诚,我并不是要去宣扬忠诚。 但就是因为我被问到了我的情况,这些话题就总是被提
起来。 对我来说,我只是有自己想要达成的目标,但这并不代表事情永远不会改变。 球队
”我也不知道,你也不知道。 我只是有自己的立场,知道自己想看到什么结果。 但在这个
Well everybody stays in a ring, that's what we play for, you know, I mean but it
's like it when guys leave a team to go to another team it's like, oh, he's just
chasing rings. And I think how it ends up looking that way because You move on
you move into a situation in that situation just might not work out, so when it'
s not working out you know maybe the team is having respect for these guys becau
se of you know what they've accomplished and who they are. So they saying you kn
ow, okay this ain't working out here what do you want to you know let's work tog
ether and they gonna try to find the next best situation that suits them and whe
re they could possibly win. So now it's this guy's chasing rings.
每个人都想赢得冠军,这是我们比赛的目的。 但是,当球员离开一支球队去另一支球队时
,有些人会说他只是为了追求冠军。 我认为是因为他们离开的那个环境可能不适合他们,
所以当这种情况发生时,球队可能会出于尊重你曾经取得过的成就和你的身份地位。 所以
So You know, I think you damned if you do them if you don't when things change w
hether that's in my control or not in my control, I'll move from there but right
now, you know, people are like, man. It's time to do this, it's time to do that
. But everybody that has that has something to say they would never have to wake
up and be Damian Lillard, you know, they just they'll never have to walk walk.
The walk for me I'll always be the person that has to deal with. Whatever the pr
os and cons of my decisions are so I can't. You know, I can't do things based on
what what other people think, or whatever the criticism or whatever the chatter
is I gotta continue to do me, you know?
在,你知道,人们说:“嘿,是时候做这个了,是时候做那个了。” 但是所有那些说三道