Here's Rudy Gobert commenting on the officiating not just tonight but overall as
it pertains to the Timberwolves. Referred to it as "disrespectful," among othe
r things. Full quote for context:
这是Rudy Gobert针对裁判的表现发表的评论,不仅是今晚的比赛,而且还包括对灰狼队的
Q: The refs were calling it free-flowing the first half. Then a lot of fouls in
second half. Did that make it harder to defend?
Gobert: It's bullshit. Bullshit. It's not fair. It's really not fair. Every nigh
t. I've been in this league for 10 years and I try to always give the benefit of
the doubt, but it's hard for me to think they're not trying to help them win to
night. It's hard for me to think they didn't try to help the Warriors win the ot
her night or Sacramento Kings the other night. It's just so obvious. As a basket
ball player that's been in this league for so long, it's disrespectful and it's
sucks, to be honest. We work so hard to be in a position to compete with the bes
t and we just get manipulated into those situations where it just impacts the ga
me for the other team too much. They know how to do it. They do it a lot of diff
erent ways. Tonight was another way of doing it. But it's all good. We understan
d that it's also a business. Unfortunately, it's sad, but it's good also. It's r
eally good. But it's true. We understand that we're not the biggest of the marke
ts and we're a team that - I think you want to see KD in the playoffs, Steph in
the playoffs, you want to see LeBron in the playoffs. Timberwolves are not there
yet. We got to keep putting our head down, keep playing through that and it's f
rustrating for sure, especially for me.
Gobert:这太扯了。 扯淡。 这不公平。 真的不公平。 每个晚上都是这样。 我已经在这
对方赢得比赛。 我很难相信他们昨晚没有试图帮助勇士队赢得比赛,或者前天晚上没有试
图帮助国王队赢得比赛(前两场对阵勇士跟国王)。 这太明显了。 作为一个在这个联盟中
待了这么久的篮球运动员,这是不尊重的,也很糟糕,老实说。 我们非常努力地争取与最
佳球队竞争的位置,但是我们只是被操纵到了那些影响比赛结果的情况中。 他们知道如何
做到这一点。 他们以许多不同的方式做到这一点。 今晚是另一种方式。 但没关系。 我们
知道这是商业。 不幸的是,这很悲哀,但也很好。 真的很好。 但这是真的。 我们知道我
们不是最大的市场,我认为你想要在季后赛看到杜兰特、咖哩和詹姆斯。 灰狼还没有到这
个层级。 我们必须继续低头努力,继续打下去,这确实令人沮丧,尤其是对我来说。