arod1414 (万夫莫敌蒋智贤)
2023-02-21 08:31:36龟龟预计将在快艇队担任先发
Russell Westbrook is headed back to Hollywood, this time to be with the Los Ange
les Clippers. The Utah Jazz are buying out Westbrook and once that transaction i
s over, he is reportedly going to join Paul George and Kawhi Leonard to form the
newest Big Three in the league while also reclaiming a familiar role.
龟龟将回到好莱坞,这次是加入洛杉矶快艇队。 犹他爵士队正在买断龟龟,一旦合约结束
Sources of The Athletic’s Law Murray have said that Russell Westbrook will be g
iven the keys to a starting role for the Clippers, something he had to surrender
to the Lakers.
来自The Athletic的Law Murray表示,龟龟将被赋予快艇队的先发位置,这是他为了湖人队
“League source confirms to @TheAthletic that Russell Westbrook is headed to LA
today to take a physical. Expectation is that he will start with Clippers, but i
t may not be right away. Official signing likely won’t happen until 48 hours af
ter Utah Jazz waive Westbrook.”
Before he was traded by the Lakers to the Jazz, Russell Westbrook was forced to
accept a bench role. In 52 games this season for the Lakers, Westbrook started i
n only three games. He was able to provide significant numbers for Los Angeles s
till despite a limited role, scoring 15.9 points, grabbing 6.2 rebounds, and dis
hing out 7.5 assists per outing.
在被湖人队交易到爵士队之前,龟龟被迫接受了替补的角色。 在本赛季为湖人队出战的52
有先发位置又在LA 难怪选快艇
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-02-21 08:35:00
作者: Hohenzollern 2023-02-21 08:36:00
作者: cheesecake93 2023-02-21 08:42:00
作者: Hohenzollern 2023-02-21 08:43:00
例行赛给西河带队 季后赛再给可爱PG
作者: Hohenzollern 2023-02-21 08:46:00
西河闷了一年半 前几场先发会大爆发吧
作者: everybody417 2023-02-21 08:49:00
祖爸+龟 总之谢谢湖人
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-02-21 08:51:00
就微妙 龟龟今年带替补有成绩 退化后带先发真的不好说 最稳的就是压在替补带2阵 毕竟也要季后赛了
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-02-21 08:52:00
不过龟龟先发有个好处是看能不能把PG喂出手感吧 不然明星赛0-9真的吓死人
乌龟在湖人打慢没用也是因为外围没3在湖人对方禁区都堆满 快艇能清开乌龟还切的动乌龟切入次数还是很多的 就放蓝有问题
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-02-21 08:55:00
我觉得带2阵一定比较稳啦 要先发的话剩下的场数太少了 真的没啥时间这样搞
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-02-21 09:02:00
作者: ENCOREH33456 (XM3) 2023-02-21 09:28:00
作者: LaoDa5815566 (LaoDaIron) 2023-02-21 10:33:00
稳了 准备要起飞了
作者: spoilede0824 2023-02-21 12:14:00