arod1414 (万夫莫敌蒋智贤)
2023-02-10 19:21:57LBJ:过去五年湖迷都成了我家人,我明白代表湖人队的意义
Nevertheless, the celebration continued for James with an on-court ceremony Thur
sday night, with former Laker great James Worthy serving as the emcee before tip
off against the Bucks.
LBJ的庆祝活动在周四晚上继续在场上举行,前湖人队的伟大球星James Worthy在对战公鹿
Flanked by his mother, Gloria; wife, Savannah; and three children, Bronny, Bryce
and Zhuri, James spoke about how his bond has grown with the L.A. fanbase in th
e five years since he came to the team in 2018.
旁边站的是LBJ的母亲Gloria; 妻子Savannah; LBJ和三个孩子,Bronny、Bryce和Zhuri,
"You guys, over the last five years, have become family to me as well," James sa
id, addressing the crowd over the public address system. "So thank you to the La
ker faithful. You guys are unbelievable. And every night I step on the floor, I
understand and I truly have a huge responsibility and understand what it means t
o represent the Los Angeles Lakers when I step on this floor. So thank you. Than
k you so much."
Abdul-Jabbar was in attendance again on Thursday and said during a pregame news
conference that he is "looking forward" to establishing a relationship with Jame
s. He heaped praise upon James for his I Promise School in Akron, Ohio, and also
for his excellence on the court.
贾霸周四再次出席,并在赛前采访时表示,他“期待”与LBJ建立关系。 他高度赞扬了LBJ
在俄亥俄州阿克伦创办的I Promise School以及他在球场上的出色表现。
"I think the different eras of the game, the addition of the clock and finally t
he 3-point shot, the game has had eras. And LeBron, without a doubt, is the grea
test player of his era," Abdul-Jabbar said. "That era is right behind that of Sh
aquille [O'Neal] and Michael Jordan.
"There are people who dominate the game and there are people who captivate every
body's imagination. I think that's one thing Michael Jordan did. Everybody wante
d to be him, do what he did. I think the reason that they have sports bars with
all of those TVs is so that people can go in there and argue like this. Because
we're not going to find out."