[花边] 拜登:白宫永远欢迎勇士队

楼主: mingonly (想要告诉你!)   2023-01-18 11:05:12
Let me just say that the Golden State Warriors are always welcome in this White
House. Always welcome. The Golden State Warriors are known as one of the most su
ccessful franchises in basketball and all of sports. And four NBA titles, six fi
nals, and in the last eight seasons. That ain’t bad. But the last couple of yea
rs were pretty tough. You struggled in 2020, missed the playoffs in ’21, and cr
itics wondered if this team was gone for good as a championship team. But, fella
s, I know what it feels like.
我只想说白宫永远欢迎勇士队。勇士被称为是篮球和所有体育领域最成功的球队之一, 在
难的。 你们在2020年挣扎,在21年错过了季后赛,人们都在质疑这支冠军球队是不是消失
了。 但兄弟们,我知道那是什么感觉。
And one of the best executives in sports, Bob Myers, who rebuilt and reimagined
a team around the Big 3 Steph Draymond and ...and.. Klay...what? Well, you guys
are something incredible. In 2022, In the playoffs, defeating Denver, Memphis, a
nd Dallas. And in the finals, beating the Boston Celtics for the Warriors’ seve
nth title in franchise history. That’s pretty damn good.
还有体育界最好的总管之一Bob Myers,他建立起了勇士三巨头:咖哩、追梦、和......和.
..克..什么来的? 好吧,你们太不可思议了。在2022年的季后赛,击败了金块,灰熊和独
行侠。 在总决赛中,击败了塞尔提克队,获得队史第七座冠军。 那真是太棒了。
And, Steph, earning your first Finals MVP award. Finals. That’s not bad, man. H
ow’s it feel compared to all those other MVPs?
Curry: It was the best one.
Biden:It was the best one? All right.
拜登:那是最好的一次? 好的。
They don’t do it with a style of play that does anything other than reflect Ame
rica: constant motion with individual freedom and personality that comes togethe
r as one team a team that plays with joy, with drive to be their best。
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