※ 引述《arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard头号粉丝)》之铭言:
: MJ生涯9度打满82场例行赛;1995年3月至1998年6月从未缺席过一场比赛
: It may be a hotly-debated topic nowadays, but Michael Jordan is still widely reg
: arded as the greatest player of all time. Jordan won 6 titles, 6 Finals MVPs, 5
: MVPs, a Defensive Player of the Year, and 10 scoring titles. The last two togeth
: er are quite impressive, as it shows just how much effort he used to put in on a
: night-in, night-out basis on the court.
: 这可能是当今一个热议的话题,但MJ仍然被广泛认为是有史以来最伟大的球员。MJ赢得6次
: 总冠军、6次FMVP、5次年度MVP、1次年度最佳防守球员,以及10次得分王。最后两个奖项同
: 时拿到让人印象深刻,因为这表明了他在场上日以继夜的于攻防两端付出了多少努力。
: With him having to expend so much energy, you'd think that MJ would probably tak
: e a few nights off here and there, but that's not how he was built. He, in fact,
: played all 82 games in 9 seasons, quite an impressive feat when you consider ev
: erything we just stated earlier.
: 由于他不得不消耗如此多的能量,你可能会认为 MJ 可能会时不时的休息几个晚上,但他并
: 没有。 事实上,他有9个赛季打满全部的82场比赛,当你考虑我们之前所说的一切时,这是
: 一个相当了不起的壮举。
: "Michael Jordan played in all 82 regular season games 9 times."
: "Played 81 games in 1988-89, 80 in 1991-92, and 78 in 1992-93."
: "Never missed a single game from March 19, 1995 to June 14, 1998."
: "179 playoff games.
: "All 82 games at age 39-40."
: "Most durable superstar since Wilt."
: MJ生涯9度打满了82场例行赛。
: 1988-89赛季打了81场,1991-92赛季打了80场,1992-93赛季打了78场。
: 从1995年3月19日到1998年6月14日,他从未缺席过一场比赛。
: 打了179场季后赛。
: 在39-40岁打满82场例行赛。
: 自张伯伦之后最持久的超级球星。
: It is incredible that he didn't miss a single game after coming out of retiremen
: t for the first time in 1995 until his second retirement after winning the title
: in 1998. After he came out of retirement once again to suit up for Washington W
: izards, MJ still wanted to play every game and practice every day, despite being
: a 40-year-old.
: 令人难以置信的是,他在1995年首次复出后,到1998年夺冠后第二次退休,中间没有缺席过
: 一场比赛。等他再次复出为华盛顿巫师队打球时,尽管已经40岁了,但他仍然想打每一场比
: 赛,且每天都在训练。
: In this era where players take games off every now and then, it is safe to say w
: e won't see any superstar doing this moving forward. For some context, LeBron Ja
: mes has played all 82 games just once, in the 2017-18 season while Kevin Durant
: only did it in 2009-10, although he did play all 66 games in the lockout-shorten
: ed 2011-12 season. Stephen Curry, meanwhile, has never played all 82 games and h
: e isn't going to do it this season either.
: 在这个球员不时休息的时代,可以肯定地说,我们不会看到任何超级球星这样做。 在某些
: 情况下,LBJ只在2017-18赛季打满82场比赛,而KD只在2009-10赛季打满82场比赛,尽管他
: 确实有在缩水的2011-12赛季打满66场比赛。 与此同时,咖哩从未打满82场比赛,他本赛季
: 也没有打满。
: https://pse.is/4mlkmh
: 攻防两端燃烧还能这么持久