arod1414 (万夫莫敌蒋智贤)
2023-01-06 09:22:31湖人曾梦想透过交易来龟龟重现热火三巨头
The Los Angeles Lakers acquired point guard Russell Westbrook in the summer of 2
021 in hopes that he would be able to help the team return to title contention.
Of course, that didn’t happen last season as Westbrook and the Lakers endured a
rough campaign and missed out on the postseason altogether.
Naturally, many people thought a Big 3 of Westbrook, LeBron James and Anthony Da
vis would make the Lakers the team to beat in the Western Conference. The team a
pparently thought that it could recreate the Miami Heat’s iconic Big 3, which c
onsisted of James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh.
“It also kind of plays into the narrative, for better or worse, that Rob Pelink
a loves him some stars,” said ESPN’s Jorge Sedano during a recent podcast appe
arance. “And the Lakers love them some stars. And Russ is a star, and they felt
they had a Big 3. So much so that I heard from a bunch of different people in d
ifferent camps that they were like, ‘Oh, we’re gonna recreate the Big 3 in Mia
ESPN的Jorge Sedano在最近的播客节目中说:无论是好是坏,Pelinka也喜欢他的球队有一
It makes sense that the Lakers wanted their Big 3 to be like Miami’s. After all
, the Heat won two titles and went to four straight NBA Finals series with James
, Wade and Bosh on the roster.
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-01-06 11:06:00
龟龟和九伟的外线和中距离哪有差很多? 主要是龟龟需要持球才能打出破坏力 而且年龄也让他没办法像以前一样冲跟热火三王时比 姆斯也弱了不只一点而且湖人是吃了三张顶薪欸 角色球员跟热火要怎么比
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-01-06 11:30:00
当初观众都以为是找龟龟来控球的 谁知道湖人找他是要他打底角射手?巫师也没卖在高点啊 是龟龟要吹密不得不换湖人也就出了几个角色球员加当年的首轮去换而已